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广东桑树萎缩病的症状与江浙黄化型桑树萎缩病基本相同。The symptoms of mulberry dwarf in Kwangtung are similar to those reported from EastChina.

1936年蒋介石贿赂广东空军投靠中央政府。In 1936 Chiang Kai-shek bribed the Kwangtung air force to defect to the central government.

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在远离战线的华南,游击队和“土匪”占领了广东省大片地方。Guerrillas and bandits take over great areas of Kwangtung in South China far from the fighting fronts.

广东壳斗科木材的宏观结构及其与分类分布的关系。On macroscopic structures of the fagaceous woods in Kwangtung in relation to classification and distribution.

前往维多利亚的跋涉,通常从士差普出发,士差普的面积是中国广东省的四倍。The journey to Victoria usually began in Sze Zap, an area comprising of four districts of Kwangtung in China.

从中国南部省份例如广东,招来的大量的契约劳工,以填补缺口。Indentured labourers from the southern provinces of China, such as Kwangtung , were recruited to fill the gap.

县政治必须农民起来才能澄清,广东的海丰已经有了证明。That county government cannot be clean until the peasants rise up was proved some time ago in Haifeng, Kwangtung Province.

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广东省银行溯源于大革命时期的中央银行,于1932年改组成立。The Kwangtung Provincial Bank, coming from the Central Bank during the Great Revolution, was reorganized and established in 1932.

这种开油锅的风俗起源与广东省境内,特别盛行于珠江三角洲一带的民间。The frying custom originates from the Kwangtung Province and is particularly popular among the people of the pearl river estuary.

广东北部沿湖南江西两省边界至湖北南部,都属罗霄山脉区域。The area stretching from northern Kwangtung along the Hunan-Kiangsi border into southern Hupeh lies entirely within the Lohsiao mountain range.

本文除探究认饷承赌的钜商外,对其他粤籍以赌为生者在省外之活动,也有所论及。In addition to discussing the large investments of gambling farmers within Kwangtung, this article also examines the activities of Kwangtung natives outside of their province.

然而一等书记官中山详一等人则大致接受关东军的主张,认为应在华北成立一个实质上脱离国民政府控制的政权。However, First Secretary Nakayama Shoichi and others generally accepted the Kwangtung Army's position that an effectively independent government should be set up in North China.