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指向了3和。I'm pointing at 3 and 5.

你看到了我指的地方吗?Do you see where I’m pointing?

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老的永久链接指向“不存在”Old permalinks pointing nowhere

枪是对准“呼呜”的。The gun was pointing at Hoo-Woo.

埃里克指的那位。Yes, whoever Erik is pointing to.

然而一些人也开始走向极端。Gadflies began pointing to excesses.

这个箭头指错了方向。The arrow is pointing the wrong way.

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“你自由了,”他一边说着一边指着我。“You free,” he said, pointing to me.

她指着那张照片尖叫道。She squealed, pointing at the picture.

古尔说,指着向上路。Gur said, pointing out toward the road.

这就是那个抛物面,它是开口向上的。It is this parabola and is pointing up.

天使们一直都在指点着它!The angels were forever pointing at it!

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移动天地,快手一指!Move heaven and earth, pointing to fast!

向心,即指向圆心。Centripetal, pointing towards the center.

他一边用手指着地图一边讲话。He was talking while pointing at the map.

安娜贝利指着梅金和茱莉亚说。Annabel said, pointing to Megan and Julia.

这支箭在为你指路!This arrow is pointing you down your path.

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这里也是指向圆心的。And here, also pointing towards the center.

现在指向5,然后是。I'm now pointing at just the 5, then the 7.

大风暴雨,闪电响雷。Pointing to each his thunder, rain and wind.