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快使用超级球!Use Your Ultra Balls!

还要检查土坯超虚拟集。Also check Adobe Ultra Virtual Sets.

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硬度范围广,从超软到90A。Hardness rang is from ultra soft to 90A.

超低价格极有可能是“偷工减料”。Ultra low prices very likely " jerry-built".

吸尘室,超低温工业冷冻机。Dust chambers, ultra low industrial freezers.

超豪华与人造毛皮装连帽装饰。Ultra plush fitted hoodie with faux fur trim.

我极少在超广角镜头上使用偏振镜。I rarely use polarizers with ultra wide lenses.

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超低失调电压运算放大器。Ultra low offset voltage operational amplifier.

越权交易的处理程序。Procedures for handling ultra vires transaction.

把接种所需要的物品和培养基在超净工作台上摆好。Put the article and culture needed on the ultra.

专有的超低消耗实芯导体。Proprietary ultra low loss solid core conductors.

超轻量级和能源雨衣织物透气。Ultra lightweight and breathable Energy Cloak fabric.

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超快速软恢复控制雪崩整流。Ultra fast soft-recovery controlled avalanche rectifier.

超软垫空中网后面板上的通风通道。Ultra padded air mesh back panel with ventilation channels.

动态超显微硬度仪测试材料的硬度。Hardness was counted by Dynamic Ultra Micro Hardness Tester.

目的探讨当归超微细粉的内在质量。Objective To explore the inner quality of ultra micro-powder.

红热,激烈,慢动作火焰射击超高速。Red-hot, intense, slow-motion flames shot at ultra high speed.

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超强,承受振动,热和冷的温度。Ultra strong, withstands vibration, hot and cold temperatures.

前后摄像头,超长摄录,支持横向拍摄模式。Dual cameras, ultra long VCR, horizontal shooting mode support.

超白玻璃是一种超透明低铁玻璃,也称低铁玻璃、高透明玻璃。Ultra clear glass is low iron glass with high light transmittance.