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避免对金钱和荣誉的贪婪。Avoid cupidity of money and glory.

他的眼里闪着贪婪的光芒,使他暴露无遗。His eyes gave him away, shining with cupidity.

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那个商人的眼里满是贪婪。The eyes of the merchant were full of cupidity.

那个商人的眼里满是贪心。The eyes of the merchant were full of cupidity.

一看到那颗钻石,她眼中就露出贪婪的目光。At the sight of the diamond, her eyes sparkled with cupidity.

我是否找到这些未来议员们贪财的一些证据呢?Did I uncover evidence of cupidity among our would-be legislators?

他狡猾的小眼睛里露出了一丝贪婪的神情。There was a glimmer of cupidity in those small, cunning eyes of his.

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“我也希望如此。”卡德鲁斯回答,他的脸上闪耀着希望和贪欲的红光。"I hope it may be so, " replied Caderousse, his face flushed with cupidity.

我们经历了五年的愚昧,贪婪,还有对梦想的慢性压制。We endured half a decade of stupidity, cupidity and the slow strangulation of dreams.

要在这麽露骨的人类的贪婪性之上加以无辜的面纱当然是不值得的。It certainly was not worth while to throw a veil of innocence over such palpable human cupidity.

如果是没有从金钱的占有欲面前超脱的话,他也可能会成为转型期的牺牲品。If one can not conquer cupidity inside him or her, one may become a victim in the transformation period.

他们的思想还停留在专注于动物本能对性和食物那点贪婪可怜的欲望上。And I could not imagine a human being so blinded by cupidity as to sell poison to such an atrocious creature.

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我们这一辈权益合法化后的企业家,同样需要从金钱的占有欲中超脱出来。Entrepreneurs of our generation have rights that been legalized and also need to conquer cupidity inside them.

他们的思想只是沉浸于贪婪和对食色的渴望的动物本能需求。Their minds are simply too busy and preoccupied with cupidity and pitiful desires of animal instincts like sex or food.

将计算几何中平面点集的三角剖分方法-贪心算法引入印鉴识别,研究了一种基于三角网格的印鉴匹配方法。A method for seal imprint matching which based on triangulation of cupidity algorithm in computational geometry is proposed.

所有节目都是以营利为目的的,但制作人总是不遗余力的把参赛者的贪婪伪装成为了娱乐他人。All game shows are by definition mercenary, but producers go to great lengths to try to dress up contestants' cupidity as altruism.

我们这一辈权益合法化后的企业家,同样需要从金钱的占有欲中超脱出来。Entrepreneurs of our generation have rights that been legalized and also need to conquer cupidity inside them. How to achieve this?

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当感觉非常口渴,想买瓶饮料或者一个冰激凌,却一分钱没有时,他为自己的贪心而感到后悔。He was very regretful for his cupidity when he felt very thirsty and wanted to buy a bottle of drink or an ice cream, but he had no money.

将计算几何中平面点集的三角剖分方法-贪心算法引入印鉴识别,研究了一种基于三角网格的印鉴匹配方法。A method for seal identification is proposed, which based on cupidity algorithm and polygon triangulation cutting algorithm in computational geometry.