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那么,如何解析它呢?How would you parse it, then?

还要传递要进行语法分析的文件。You also pass in the File to parse.

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接着,需要为它提供一些用于解析的数据。Next, you need to give it some data to parse.

和亚历克斯词法分析程序如何解析c风格的评论吗?。How to parse C-style comments with Alex lexer?

加法操作的解析树的图片Picture of parse tree for an addition operation

要么解析它,要么把它反序列化成一个对象Either parse it or deserialize it into an object

从原始信息中不能解析出信息号!Couldn't parse a Message-ID from the raw message!

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固定的阿格纳跳代码解析翻译阶段。Fixed AGEN skip code in parse stage of rendering.

下面介绍打开和解析该文件的另一种方法。Next, you see another way to open and parse the file.

我们来花几分钟时间来看看这段话。Take a few minutes to parse that sentence, I’ll wait.

然后,通过示例代码来介绍如何解析这个配置文件。Example code then shows how to parse this config file.

您也可以将字符串自动解析成数。You can also automatically parse strings into numbers.

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嗯,大部分搜索引擎只解析HTML。Well, search engines for the most part only parse HTML.

稍后我们会将记号序列组合成解析树。Later on we will combine token sequences into parse trees.

倘若我们不能简单的分析短信内容,我们就向右滑动。If we can’t parse your message easily, we slide right past.

它抽取命令行参数,然后处理解析树。It extracts command-line arguments and processes the parse tree.

我们也可以解析这个文件,看看它是否格式良好。We can also parse the file to find out whether it is well-formed.

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接下来我使用这个新的事件过滤阅读器解析文档。I will then use this new filtered event reader to parse the document.

解析操作仅将输出作为我之前提到的阵列呈现。Parse simply renders the output as the array that I mentioned before.

您的应用程序可以用解析树做更多有趣的事情。Your application could do more interesting things with the parse tree.