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但是奶奶都懂。But Granny understood.

到底虎妞喜欢奶奶么?Do I really like granny?

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我在回家的路上碰上一位老大娘。I met a granny on my way home.

我一直知道奶奶深爱着我们。I was always aware Granny loved us.

爷爷奶奶也是有性需要的。Granny and grandpa are sexual beings.

奶奶经常给小孙子讲故事。Granny often tells her grandson tales.

我奶奶是豫剧专家。My granny is an expert of Henan Opera.

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我常常帮助王奶奶打扫房间。I often help Granny Wang clean the room.

那个年轻人天天帮那个老奶奶提水。The young man carry water for the granny.

每天要在医院打针!Granny has to transfuse in hospital everyday.

秋秋在银娇奶奶的坟前跪了下来。Qiuqiu knelt down before Granny Yinjiao's tomb.

摩托奶奶家出来的慢,现在该怎么办?Turbo Granny is out of the slow home, now what?

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老祖母惯常用电锅蒸茄子。Old granny was used to cook it in the rice cooker.

上个周末,郭梓淇帮奶奶做奶酪蛋糕。Last weekend, Ethan helped granny make cheese cake.

把花生米碾碎,这样奶奶才能吃点。Crumble the peanuts up so that Granny can have some.

他把为一位老大娘挑水当作本人的事。He made it his business to fetch water for a granny.

秋秋往银娇奶奶的小屋跑得更勤了。Qiuqiu spent more time in the hut of Granny Yinjiao.

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格里尔奶奶用绿色的齿轮油给齿轮上油。Granny Greer greased the gears with green gear grease.

彼得哄着奶奶再多给他些零用钱。Peter coaxed granny into giving him extra pocket-money.

她的身体变得糟起来,我只能搬去和她妈妈,也就是我的外婆一起住。She got so bad that I moved in with her mom, my Granny.