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宁夏银川监狱操场上,由囚犯组建的电声乐队在排练。A electroacoustic band made of prisoners are rehearsing on playground.

在英国伯明罕的大学一个关于电声学音乐工作室的指南。A guide to the Electroacoustic Music Studios at University of Birmingham, UK.

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讨论了电声重放声场空间信息的基本思路与方法。The methods for reproducing subjective spatial impression in electroacoustic system are discussed.

电声建筑为改变房间的电子声学特性提供了方法。Electroacoustic Architecture offers a means of changing the acoustic properties of a room electronically.

指明了体育馆声学设计主要是建声系统和扩声系统的语言清晰度设计。Stadium acoustical design consists of architectural acoustical system and speech articulation design of electroacoustic system.

我们研究分析了由于电声耦合,电负载对压电振动系统特性的影响。The effect of electric load on the piezoelectric vibrational system due to electroacoustic coupling was analytically investigated.

手机扬声器的面盖不仅起保护扬声器的作用,而且会对电声性能产生影响。The mobile phone speaker cover can not only protect the speaker, but also have an influence on the electroacoustic characteristics.

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模拟式电声音乐的范围仅限于那些在工作室制作完成的,或者是在现场演出的电子式音乐。Analogue Electroacoustic Music refers simply to the means of production in the studio or in the performance of Live Electonic Music.

阐述了电声换能器的设计理论与理想状态实现的困难与途径。It also points out the difficulties and methods of the designment theory of Electroacoustic Transducer and the realization of the ideal condition.

利用双晶片的弯曲振动模式可以制造出结构简单、成本低廉的电声倍频器、混频器,可适用于整个低频范围。Useing the bimorph bend vibration mould, a simple and low cost electroacoustic doubler and mixer available for overall low frequency band can be produced.

本文运用开路热刺激电流等手段,对电声器件中运用的驻极体材料的注入电荷衰减机制进行了分析。An open—circuit TSC method is used to analyse the mechanism of the injected charge decay of electret material used in electroacoustic devices in this paper.

本文提出一种运用电声器件在双通路立体声放声中模拟厅堂声学特性的方法。In this paper, a method of simulating the acoustics characteristics of auditorium using electroacoustic devices in two channel stereo sound production is given.

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介绍了无失真传输系统的频率响应特性,分析了基于扫频法测量系统频响的JH6170电声测试系统。The frequency response of undistorted transmitted system is introduced, and JH6170 electroacoustic testing system based on frequency sweeping method is analysed.

指出了室内声场空间印象和电声重放产生主观空间印象方法之间的关联与差别。The relationships and differences between the methods of producing spatial impression in room sound field and in electroacoustic reproduction system are outlined.

本文主要是分析组合式电声换能器的一些振动特性。An analysis of the vibration characteristics of a composite electroacoustic transducer, which is essentially a longitudinal vibrator with attached masses, is presented.

本发明公开一种电声换能器,电声换能器包括一驻电振膜、一开孔板以及多个间隔结构。The invention discloses an electroacoustic transducer which comprises a stationary electric vibrating diaphragm, an opening plate and a plurality of spacing structures.

电子音乐的发展是和电子音乐技术的发展密不可分的,这是由于电子音乐其自身的特点所决定的。According to its own characteristics, the development of creation of Electroacoustic music is closely related to the development of the technology of Electroacoustic music.

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论文通过介绍某集团的应用项目实例,展示了论文中研究的电声产品配置设计技术在电声企业中的应用。Thorough the introduction of a successful application in an enterprise, this paper illustrates the configuration design technologies' application in electroacoustic company.

由于组成ECM的零部件的材质和这些零部件在制造过程中工艺特性的不同,使ECM组装后的电声特性受到了较显著的影响。Because the materials of ECM parts and technologies in production are different, the electroacoustic characteristic of ECM that have been packaged are outstandingly influenced.

它是以一些测量和使用效果的评价以及我国电声设备达到的使用特性为基础,还考虑了某些实验结果和国外达到的水平。They are based on measurements together with the evaluation of existing equipments and the operational performance of the electroacoustic facilities which are available in China.