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那只鬈毛狗又是叫又是咬。The poodle yapped and snap ped.

他用刀向我砍来,但未砍中。He chop ped at me with his knife, but missed.

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他在结冰的路上摔了一跤,把腿摔骨折了。He slip ped on the ice road and broke his leg.

葡萄牙的PED得分也上升了10个百分点。Portugal's PED score also worsened by a full point.

所以一些游击队员来了,在小棚屋外面的石凳下设置了炸弹。So some guerrillas came and ped a bench outside this small shack.

他把钉子掉到了地上,听见了一连串的叮当声。He drop ped the nails on the ground and successive clangs were heard.

反对党领导中途退出了竞选,他把这次竞选称作是一次全无意义的活动。The opposition leader who drop ped out of the race called it a useless exercise.

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在加拿大,一头熊凭着嗅觉,突然闯入了郊区的一家三明治商店,但是很快又饥饿地离开了。This bear pop ped into a subway sandwich shop in Canada for a sniff but it's soon left hungry.

这只德国天鹅与一只真鸟有过一段罗曼史,但以失败告终后,她再次与她可爱的脚踏船重聚。This sw an in Germ any has been reunited with its beloved ped al bo at after af ailed romance with a re al bird.

这位军官表示有两架直升机已在当天下午向映秀地区空投了食品、饮用水以及药品。The military command said two helicopters airdrop ped food, drinking water and medicine to Yingxiu in the afternoon.

本文用平面光弹方法,对阶梯金刚石钻头切削刃下岩石的应力进行分析。Rock cutting by a step ped bit has been studied with experimental stress analysis and is tested under atmospheric pressure.

三柱门顶有横木的三柱门中的两个门,是投球手的目标,由击球手来守门。Either of the two sets of three stumps, top ped by bails, that forms the target of the bowler and is defended by the batsman.

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在停止电脉冲处理后停留不同时间的情况下,柱状晶的长度不同,电脉冲处理钢液仍然存在衰退问题。The columnar crystals were different in length at different intervals and problem like fading still existed after PED treatment.

为对制图室和生产工程部编发的生产文件进行控制,特编制了合同专用登记薄。Contract specific registers are created to control manufacturing documentation generated and issued by the Drawing office and PED.

这有利于作物根系生长,增强抗倒伏能力,并可以减少地表径流使表土土壤结构体免遭破坏。This favors root growth of crops, enhances standing power, and reduces surface runoffs so that the surface ped avoid being destroyed.

通过CE标准之压力容器指令的Icesnow制冰机,无论储液储气蒸发器均保证对人体无任何威胁。All the ICESNOWice machines follow the PED safety directive of CE, all the pressure vessel no matter the oil reservior or evaporator never harm the human.

通过CE标准之压力容器指令的Icesta制冰机,无论储液储气蒸发器均保证对人体无任何威胁。All the ICESTA ice machines follow the PED safety directive of CE, all the pressure vessel no matter the oil reservior or evaporator never harm the human.

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与此同时,总统当选人奥巴马表示相当一部分国家经济危机问题矛头指向政府管理者他们犯的错误。Meantime, President-elect Barack Obama says a good portion of the nation's economic troubles can be blamed on government regulators who " drop ped the ball ".

基于PED算法的思想,论证了对数似然比的表达式,且推导出它们之间的一个关系式,而后者可提高探测速度。The paper was based on PED algorithm. A expression of log likelihood ratio was proved and a equation between them was given. The speed of detecting can be proved by the later.