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你船预计何时才能重新浮起?When do you expect to refloat?

我船预计在涨潮时可重新浮起。I expect to refloat when tide rises.

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你船能抛弃后面的货物使船浮起吗?Can you jettison cargo aft to refloat?

我船预计吃水减少时才能重新浮起。I expect to refloat when draft decreases.

你船能抛弃前面的货物使船浮起吗?Can you jettison cargo forward to refloat?

我船预计在天气好转时能重新浮起。I expect to refloat when weather improves.

轮将抛弃货物以脱浅。MV Red Rose will jettison cargo to refloat.

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我船预计在当地时间0900时可重新浮起。I expect to refloat at 0900 hours local time.

他们千方百计使这艘搁浅的船再漂浮起来。They tried every possible means to refloat the grounded ship.

政府让成百上千亿美金流入市场以托升经济,其有力的支持并非黄金,而是对美国充足的信心。The Fed poured hundreds of billions of dollars into the economy to refloat it, backed not by gold but by the full faith and credit of the U.S.

股市在伦敦和欧洲发布多国救助受困银行业的细节之后开始反弹。The resurgence in the markets followed the release in London and Europe of details of the multinational attempt to refloat the crippled banking system.

通用正计划在明年下半年夺回在今年早些时候被丰田抢去的全球第一大汽车制造商头衔。The car maker, which earlier this year lost its title as the world’s biggest car maker to Toyota, is planning to refloat in the second half of next year.