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什么是小气鬼?What is niggard?

“讨价还价”的人就是“小气鬼”吗?Is the one who "bargains" a "niggard"?

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那么,美丽的鄙夫,为什么滥用。Then beauteous niggard why dost thou abuse.

最后,我要说,讨价还价,不等于小气。Last, I have to say "bargain" is not niggard.

自然界虽富于变化却吝于革新。Nature is prodigal in variety, but niggard in innovation.

别对你自己太吝啬,别为了一个便士就把你自己给出卖了。Don't be a niggard with yourself. Don't sell yourself for a penny.

我知道,反正我已经习惯别人投来所谓的小气的眼光了。I know, I have been used to the so-called niggard eyes from others.

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我知道,反正我已经习惯了别人投来的所谓小气的眼光了。I know I have been used to the so- called niggard eyes frome others.

坐着飞机大老远的把这个吝啬鬼送到中国。Take airplane and greatly and from afar bring to China to this niggard.

所以一个喜欢分享,但是也喜欢讨价还价,她会是一个小气的人吗?So a people who like share, but also like bargain, will she is a niggard.

“小气”就是大家认为的“吝啬”“一毛不拔”“斤斤计较”。"Niggard" is what everyone considers "mean" or "stingy", "haggling over every once".

话多是虚荣的迹象,因为在用词上过分大方的人在做事上往往是个小气鬼。Speaking much is a sign of vanity, for he that is lavish in words is a niggard in deed.

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运用相似的技巧,塑造了各自心目中的吝啬鬼形象,给人们带来丰富的艺术享受,也带来了永远的理性思考。They created personal niggard characters by the similar means, which gave us rich artistic enjoyment and permanent rational thought.

小气鬼就是指吝啬、对任何有关于钱的事情都会斤斤计较,一个小气鬼除了知道存钱外,不会舍得花一分钱。It should be defined as mean and care for everything about money, moreover, a niggard just know save money and may not spend a coin. How about bargain?

买东西时,你喜欢讨价还价吗?你觉得“讨价还价”的人就是“小气鬼”吗?欢迎分享你的“砍价”秘诀。When you go shopping, do you care for bargaining? Do you believe that the one who "bargains" is a "niggard"? Welcome to share your secret of "bargain".

通过对奢侈、吝啬、不良消费行为的分析,要求我们在现实生活中要克服消极消费行为,养成良好的消费习惯。By the analysis of luxury and waste, niggard and malconsuming activity, this paper urges us to overcome passive consuming activity and cultivate a fine habit in our practical life.