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她拿他的八字胡开玩笑。She joked about his moustache.

他的嘴唇被小胡子遮盖住了。His lips are roofed by a moustache.

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加里上嘴唇有一撮小胡子。Gary has a moustache on his upper lip.

他那蟑螂般的胡子在偷偷地笑His cockroach moustache seems to snicker

哎哟,他又刮了口髭!Shaved off his moustache again, by Jove!

几乎没有学生喜欢他,一个留着八字须的人。Few students like him who has a moustache.

他的小胡子很硬,是军人式的。His moustache was very stiff and military.

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弹出式修剪刀用于修剪长须和鬓角。Pop-up trimmer for moustache and sideburns.

费洛斯捋了捋他的姜黄色的胡子。Fellowes stroked his little ginger moustache.

费洛斯捋了捋他的姜黄色的胡须。Fellowes stroked his little ginger moustache.

珀西很胖,长着又黑又密的胡子。Percy was fat and had a big, black moustache.

他已经决定留起络腮胡子和髭。He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache.

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他刮了下巴上的络腮胡子,但仍留着嘴边的胡髭。He shaved off his beard but kept his moustache.

当时他已经刮去了他标志性的大胡子和八字须。He had shaved his signature beard and moustache.

他的面颊刮的很干净,留着笔尖形的小胡子。He is clean shaven, with a pencil-thin moustache.

他身材魁梧,留着红色的八字胡。He was heavily-built and sported a red moustache.

我非常肯定新纳粹分子不会摸这胡子。I'm pretty sure that neo-Nazis don't do the moustache.

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人们喜欢用奇妙的东西,比如Haml或Moustache。People like to use crazy stuff like Haml or Moustache.

所以博瑞尔马上开始留起了胡子。So Burrell immediately started growing his own moustache.

他戴上假发和假胡须时,真把我笑坏了。When he put on the wig and false moustache I could have died.