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我觉得你是个脏东西。I think you are filth.

你怎麽能看这种乌七八糟的东西?。How can you read such filth?

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他向前趴倒在土里。He fell forward in the filth.

这些黑猪用鼻翻拱垃圾。The black pigs rooted for filth.

这些黑猪用鼻翻拱垃圾。The black pigs rootled for filth.

只有死可洗往这污浊!!!Only death can wash the filth away!

街沟中淤积着污物。The gutters were choked with filth.

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地板上满是油垢和污物。The floor was covered in grease and filth.

恐惧和污秽怯懦与羞愧所覆盖。with fear and filth and cowardice and shame.

这里污秽不堪,除非有事,外人是裹足不前的。The filth here deters all but the invited guest.

他自觉、蓄意地将秽物给予他的读者。He consciously, deliberately gives his readers filth.

小巷里堆积了很多垃圾和秽物。The alley was filled with lots of garbage and other filth.

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那里面都是污秽和寄生虫,包括我的表兄弟在内。It was infested with filth and vermin, including my cousins.

这里唯一的废柴人渣是你呀!断牙帮!轰杀这狗才!Only filth Torak see is you! Broken Tusk Clan! Slay this dog!

这些是水土污染引起的疾病盛行的理想条件。These are ideal conditions for diseases of filth to flourish.

我们知道缺水怎样转变成由水土污染引起的疾病。We know how water scarcity translates into diseases of filth.

我们用抹布擦去了它上面的积垢。We removed the accumulated filth of years from it with a cloth-brush.

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你,只配与污秽长存——以这种语气开始了那永无止境的斥骂。You worthless bag of filth – and continues in that tone ad infinitum.

城市里到处是出租房屋,犯罪横行且污秽不堪。Tenements spread across city landscapes, teeming with crime and filth.

忏就是法,忏譬如水,能够洗涤垢秽。Repentance is Dharma. Repentance is like water, it can wash away filth.