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繁琐的工会工作规则只能做调整。Cumbersome UAW work rules have only been tweaked.

华尔街的硕鼠和汽车工人联合会已经激起了美国公愤。Americans are outraged by both Wall Street fat cats and the UAW job bank.

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汽车工人联合会自始至终站在底特律破产这场戏剧的正确一边。The UAW has been on the right side of the Detroit bankruptcy drama all along.

通用和UAW的谈判于周六破裂,克莱斯勒与该联盟的谈判亦陷入僵局.Talks between GM and the union broke down on Saturday. Chrysler's negotiations with the UAW are also deadlocked.

由于高昂的UAW劳动力成本,有42年历史的洛兹敦装配厂曾一度被纳入有可能关闭的行列。The 42-year-old Lordstown assembly plant had been considered a candidate for closure due to high UAW labor costs.

丰田管理人员说,为了保持竞争力,丰田建新厂时已不再按UAW的标准支付薪资。To stay competitive, Toyota has stopped pegging its wages to UAW rates when it builds new plants, company executives said.

债券持有人似乎闻到了UAW和奥巴马之间令人讨厌的交易,而奥巴马在去年的竞选中曾获得UAW的协助。Bondholders smell an unsavoury deal cooked up between the UAW and Barack Obama, who had the union's support in last year’s election.

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我们感谢克莱斯勒汽车工人联合会成员的支持批准这项合同,尤其是在这些具有挑战性的时代。We are thankful to the Chrysler UAW members for their support in ratifying this contract, especially during these challenging times.

目前还不清楚这会有什么影响,不过这可能会使UAW在合并后的公司拥有甚至更大的股份。It is unclear what impact that would have, though it could give the UAW an even bigger ownership piece in a combined GM-Chrysler operation.

美国政府可能另外卖出超额发售权中的5380万股,而汽车工人协会可能再卖出1335万股。The U.S. government may sell an additional 53.8 million shares in theoverallotment option, while the UAW trust may offer 13.35 million more.

出售克莱斯勒可能会激活UAW在克莱斯勒持有的权证,这是工会去年在全国劳资谈判中获得的砝码。The sale of Chrysler would trigger warrants the UAW has in the auto maker, a stake the union negotiated in last year's national labor talks.

他说,美元走软和新的UAW劳动合同的组合效应令美国成了跟中国和巴西一样的低成本国家。The combined effects from a falling dollar and the new UAW labor contract 'make the U. S. a low-cost country' like China and Brazil, he said.

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UAW和通用汽车拒绝对谈判状况发表评论.The UAW and GM declined to comment on the state of the negotiations, which are seen as central to GM's effort to reduce its debt and operating costs.

二战后,鉴于公司业务的蒸蒸日上,通用答应与美国汽车工会签订一系列协议,这些协议在多年以后成了通用的不能承受之重。Still, GM was doing well enough after the second world war to accede to the deals with the UAW that, much later, were to become an insupportable burden.

通用汽车在奥巴马政府设定的6月1日重组期限前需要完成几个关键步骤,与UAW达成协议即为关键一步.A deal between GM and the UAW was one of the key steps the automaker needed to take before a June 1 restructuring deadline set by the Obama administration.

上个月,UAW的会员工人压倒性的否决了福特提出的成本削减计划,因为该计划将改变截至2011年到期的劳工合同条款.Last month, UAW workers overwhelmingly rejected a proposed cost-cutting deal for Ford that would have changed the terms of a labor contract which runs until 2011.

周一下午,全美汽车工人联合会与通用汽车和克莱斯勒分别进行谈判,随着参与方敲定了成本削减的细节,谈判取得了一定的进展。Late Monday afternoon, talks between the UAW and GM, and separate negotiations with Chrysler, were making some progress as the parties hammered out cost-reduction details.

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与UAW达成的协议将令四面楚歌的通用汽车拥有一张有关在破产申请中可能作出何种让步的蓝图.分析师预期其可能在5月底或6月初申请破产.The UAW deal would give embattled GM a blueprint for concessions that could be carried into a bankruptcy filing that analysts expect could come by the end of May or early June.

周二,UAW详细描述了它与通用汽车临时订立的四年劳资协议。根据该协议,工人可获得更丰厚的利润分成,工会也将为其会员重获争取到近几年来流失的数千个工作岗位。On Tuesday, the UAW detailed its tentative four-year labor agreement with GM that would give workers richer profit-sharing checks and return thousands of union jobs lost in recent years.

同样,用于通用汽车员工的时工资也是如此,通用汽车公司的劳动力成本,现在在本田,丰田和其他外国无工会公司的“削减范围”之内。Ditto for UAW hourly wages, though according to the task force, GM's labor costs are now within "shooting distance" of those at nonunion plants run by Honda, Toyota and other foreign firms.