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或者来个老式的茶话会。Or an old fashioned tea party?

他不追求夸张的警句。He fashioned no stilted epigram.

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使音乐适合我们的口味。Music is fashioned to our taste.

一名男子,驾驶着一辆已被改装成炸弹的汽车。A man with a car fashioned into a bomb.

他们把他培养成一个优秀的钢琴家。They fashioned him into a fine pianist.

她把别针制成了一条项链。She fashioned a necklace from paper clips.

古典鸡尾酒的基酒是威士忌。The base of Old Fashioned cocktail is whiskey.

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用他的肋骨塑成她来保护他的心。And fashioned her from his rid to protect his heart.

教练终于把他培养成了优秀运动员。The coach finally fashioned him into a fine sportsman.

他用我们的狗古鲁普的皮带做了绞索。He had fashioned a noose out of our dog Grouper's leash.

村民们用肥料袋子做成白旗。Villagers fashioned white flags from bags of fertilizer.

没有什么比老式的寻宝更好了。There is nothing like a good old fashioned treasure hunt.

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做成伞兵制服式的连体衣服。One-piece garment fashioned after a parachutist's uniform.

还有你因需求或娱乐而制做的物品。The things you have fashioned in necessity or for delight.

她每一个微小的纹理和细部都塑造得优美绝伦。She was exquisitely fashioned in very small texture and detail.

散发着蒸汽的老式火车头拖拽着空车皮。Old fashioned locomotive emitting steam, locked onto empty cars.

但是木匠却把这棵树制成了一个供动物喂食用的食槽。But the carpenter fashioned the tree into a feed box for animals.

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在他穿的衣服成形针织和他的绅士风度。Fashioned in the clothes he wears and in his gentlemanly manners.

我马上用木销子和尼龙绳做了一个梯子。I quickly fashioned a ladder out of wooden dowels and nylon rope.

只有这样坚韧的材料,才能创造出成功的斗士。Only out of such rugged fibre were successful fighters fashioned.