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马奇亚维利是佛罗伦萨人。Machiavelli was a Florentine.

马基雅维利给了他一把刀子。Machiavelli gives him a knife.

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马奇亚维利是位革命家。Machiavelli was a revolutionary.

马基雅维利是一位马基雅维利主义者吗?,我们。Was Machiavelli a Machiavellian? Let's see.

马奇亚维利将君王比作先知。Machiavelli compares the prince to a prophet.

但马奇亚维利并非一位典型的佛罗伦萨人。But Machiavelli was not an ordinary Florentine.

一位邪恶教师,那真的是马奇亚维利吗?A teacher of evil. Is that what Machiavelli was?

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想一想,什么是马基雅维利认为的最好的政府?What kind of government did Machiavelli think best?

谁是马奇亚维利,除了是一名原型非武的先知之外?Who is Machiavelli but an archetypal, unarmed prophet?

霍布斯,从很多方面来说,他都是马基雅维利的完美配合。Hobbes was in many ways a perfect foil for Machiavelli.

不朽的作品里的彼特拉克和马基雅维里。The immortal written works of Petrarch and Machiavelli.

但是霍布斯比马基雅维利想得远。But you might say, Hobbes goes further than Machiavelli.

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马奇亚维利写到,“我舍弃其它类型的秩序。Here, Machiavelli says, "I depart from the orders of others.

第四章分析斯金纳对马基雅维里的研究。The fourth chapter analyzes Skinner's researching on Machiavelli.

但马奇亚维利打破这些,关于不给坏榜样的规则。Yet, Machiavelli breaks these rules about not giving bad examples.

从此,政治无道德论这顶“桂冠”扣在了马基雅维利头上。Since then, the view of non-moral politics was ascribed to Machiavelli.

由此,康德在马基雅维里之后重建了政治与道德的统一。Hence, Kant reframed the union of politics and ethics after Machiavelli.

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马奇亚维利是创始人,发明人,他发明了现代国家。Machiavelli is the founder, the discoverer, the inventor of the modern state.

谁能认为但丁要说的东西比马基雅弗利少些呢?Does any one think that Alighieri has any fewer things to say than Machiavelli?

马奇亚维利声称哥伦布的地理大发现,就像他的,“政治“大发现。What Columbus had done for geography, Machiavelli claims he will do for politics.