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她是一个媚人的小东西。She is a winsome wee thing.

她给了他一个最为迷人的微笑。She gave him her best winsome smile.

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在压力之下,我们表现出风度。Winsome means we display grace under pressure.

当别人攻击我们时,我们快乐。Winsome means we are cheerful when others attack us.

两个魅力四射的女人,今天将是很幸福,我也是。Two winsome women , will be very happy today, so do I.

正好那时她睁开眼睛给了她一个动人的微笑。Just then she opened her eyes and gave him a winsome smile.

但是可爱并没有获胜,而不幸的故事也没有获胜。But winsome didn't win the day, and nor did hard-luck stories.

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但是可爱并没有获胜,而不幸的故事也没有获胜。But winsome didn't win the day, and neither did hard luck stories.

好喜欢看着你如嫣的笑靥,可,为啥你却不肯多给我一点?I love seeing your winsome smile, but, why do you unwilling to give me more?

对于火箭队的其他球员来说,我们会继续努力赢得更多比赛。As for the rest of the Rockets, we are just going to try to winsome more games.

出租车司机乔惠娟主动接近周迎竹,周对她处处照顾。Taxi driver Qiao Hui winsome driving close Zhou Yingzhu, the week everywhere looks after to her.

一百五十七页的长度,这本书极惹人喜爱,很容易坐下来一口气读完。One hundred fifty-seven pages in length, the book is so winsome that it is easy to read in a single sitting.

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展望未来,盈鑫美将一如既往,精益求精以一流的服务为新老客户创造更大的的价值。Looking into future, Winsome will go on to pursue first-class service and to create greater value for new and old customers.

总经理周蕙心女士右和高级经理杨芷兰女士左主持中国传奇艺术节2003记者招待会。Ms. winsome chow chief manager at the right and ms. elaine yeung senior manager hosted the 2003 legends of china festival press conference.

我们相信这样的平衡,将会产生更多的教会,能够有活泼和神学稳固的讲道,有力的布道和辩道,和教会的增长与植堂。We believe such a balance will produce churches with winsome and theologically substantial preaching, dynamic evangelism and apologetics, and church growth and church planting.