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吴登盛在国内也得不到多少尊重。Thein Sein was not given much respect at home, either.

现在大多数人甚至不知道登盛是谁。Most people right now do not even know who Thein Sein is.

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会谈前,登盛为温家宝举行了欢迎仪式。Prior to the talks, Thein Sein held a welcome ceremony for Wen.

登盛先生也呼吁持不同政见的流亡者返回家园。Mr Thein Sein has also appealed to exiled dissidents to come home.

由于秘书工作出色,吴登盛成了众所周知的“高级文员”。Being good at office work, Thein Sein became known as “Senior Clerk.

中国电力投资集团公司未就吴登盛总统的决定置评。China Power Investment hasn't commented on Mr. Thein Sein's decision.

其他部长甚至评论说丁昂敏吴篡夺了吴的权力。Other ministers even remarked that Tin Aung Myint Oo had usurped Thein Sein’s power.

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除了跟素季会谈,登盛上个月还发了两次声明。In addition to talking to Suu Kyi, Thein Sein made two other announcements last month.

缅甸的新总统,前朝军官吴登盛,据报道称,是一个谦逊的人。Myanmar's new president, Thein Sein, a former army officer, is reportedly a modest man.

“我们应当建立一个适当的和合适的自由市场经济”,奈维登说。"We shall establish an appropriate and suitable free-market economy, " Nai Ngwe Thein said.

国务院总理温家宝在泰国华欣会见缅甸总理登盛Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets with Myanmar's Prime Minister Thein Sein in Hua Hin, Thailand

1997年,吴登盛成为缅甸东部掸邦的金三角地区指挥部司令。In 1997, Thein Sein became the commander of the Triangle Region Command based in eastern Shan State.

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此后,登盛对华盛顿决定与缅甸重新接触表示欣赏。Afterwards, Thein Sein expressed his appreciation that Washington had decided to re-engage with Burma.

如果登盛同素季的谈话不仅仅是喝一杯茶那么简单,那么就必须出现某些效果。If Thein Sein’s talks with Suu Kyi are to amount to more than a cup of tea, there must be some outcomes.

吴登盛出生于缅甸依洛瓦底省,1968年毕业于缅甸军事学院第19期。Born in Irrawaddy Division, Thein Sein was a 1968 graduate of the Defense Services Academy's 19th Intake.

昂山素季给总统吴登盛、军事总司令和议会发言人都写了信。She sent letters to President Thein Sein, the commander of the armed forces and the parliamentary speaker.

2010年6月3日,国务院总理温家宝在内比都与缅甸总理登盛举行会谈。On June 3, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held talks with his Myanmar counterpart Thein Sein in Naypyidaw.

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两名美国高级外交官在会见缅甸总理登盛之后,又接见了被关押的缅甸民主联盟领导人昂山素季。Two senior US diplomats meet detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi after meeting Burmese PM Thein Sein.

奈维登说,许多人都对全孟族地区民主党有兴趣,因为它是唯一运行竞选的孟族党。Nai Ngwe Thein said many people were interested in the party as it was the sole Mon party running in the election.

国家媒体称总统登盛在法院投票弹劾这些法官后接受了法官的辞职。State media said president Thein Sein had accepted the judges' resignations after parliament voted to impeach them.