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他所在的部队基地位于布琼布拉,他在基地里生火做饭。He cooks his meal at an army base in Bujumbura.

布隆迪年独立后乌松布拉改名为布琼布拉。Usumbura was renamed Bujumbura when Burundi became independent in 1962.

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青年党还威胁将袭击布隆迪首都布琼布拉。Al-Shabab has also made new threats to target Burundi's capital, Bujumbura.

两个布隆迪人推着满载东西的自行车越过山坡进入首都-布琼布拉。Two Burundian bike transporters push a load from the hills down into the capital city, Bujumbura.

幸存者表示,携带自动武器和手榴弹的几十人进入首都布琼布拉附近这个酒吧。Survivors said dozens of men armed with automatic weapons and grenades entered the bar close to the capital Bujumbura.

位于布隆迪首都布琼布拉的联合国布隆迪综合办事处需要提供旅行服务。The United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi at Bujumbura , Burundi has a requirement for the Provision of Travel Services.

专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供成都到布琼布拉特价机票。The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Chengdu friends to provide special fares to Bujumbura.

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青年党还威胁将袭击布隆迪首都布琼布拉,但非盟索马里维和部队主要是由乌干达提供的。Al-Shabab has also made new threats to target Burundi's capital, Bujumbura. But Uganda is the main provider of troops to the African Union Mission in Somalia.

这些歌曲是流行通用语的经典之作,从布琼布拉到北京可谓家喻户晓,也证明了那些不说英语的人们都能拼写出Abba来。The songs are classics of the lingua franca of pop, familiar from Bujumbura to Beijing, and proof that even those who do not speak English can still spell Abba.

联合国儿童基金会说,这232名年龄在15到20岁的青少年被扣押在布隆迪首都布琼布拉以北的朗达军营和布鲁马塔军营。The United Nations Children's Fund says 232 children between the ages of 15 and 20 had been held at the Randa and Burumata camps north of the Burundian capital, Bujumbura.