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他既非阉人,亦非色鬼。He is neither an eunuch nor a satyr.

这是一个关于一个男人和萨梯的寓言。This is a fable about a man anda satyr.

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赞扬不配受赞扬者,实在严厉的讽刺。Praise to the undeserving, is severe satyr.

一个森林之神大惑不解,他想知道男子在做什么。Mystified, a satyr wanted to know what he was doing.

在希腊和罗马神话中,森林之神是半人半羊的样子。A satyr is half man and half goat in Greek and Roman mythology.

有一天,年老的森林之神西勒诺斯来到国王迈达斯的宫殿。One day an old satyr called Silenus came to King Midas' palace.

森林之神可怜这个男子就邀请他到他家中吃点热的食物。Taking pity on him, the satyr invited the man to his home for a hot meal.

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每一个三部曲结束之后,他还会送上一种名为“山羊剧”的喜剧。After each trilogy was concluded, he staged a comedy called a "satyr drama."

奖杯高38厘米,有两个弯曲的把手,分别为萨梯造型和少女造型。The 38cm cup has two cast scroll handles, one in the shape of a satyr and the other a nymph.

有一色狼就过去了,站在她的身后,来回和她进行身体接触。There is a satyr on the later, standing behind her back and forth, and her physical contact.

这是一场萨特发动的战争,他们要为他们堕落之父——哈维斯的死报仇。This was the War of the Satyr and they were vengeful for the death of their fallen father, Xavius.

身为兽精灵领土的继承人,力丸接受了他族里最强悍的战士的训练。Born as the heir to the satyr dominion, Rikimaru was trained by the mightiest warriors of his race.

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这幅画展现的是一位年轻的女子,她半裸身体,躺在地上,一个好色之徒蹲伏在她的尸体之上。The painting shows a young woman, half-clothed, lying on the ground as a satyr crouches over her corpse.

其它仍在附近闲逛的恶魔们也加入了萨特的大军,同样也是为了那个把卡多雷赶尽杀绝的目标。Other demons who still lingered proceeded to help the Satyr with the one goal of wiping the Kaldorei out.

笼养下的黄腹角雉和红胸角雉繁殖期两性行为具有显著差异。There are significant differences in the behavior of different sex of Cabot's tragopan and Satyr tragopan.

巴克斯本人,像葡萄藤一样代表了春天大自然的万物复苏。一个森林小神在拥抱一个大笑者的林泽仙女。Bacchus himself, like the grape vine , symbolized the springtime rebirth of nature , A satyr embraces a laughing nymphs.

他六十开外,有一把像米开朗琪罗的摩西雕像的胡子,从萨提尔似的头上顺着他半人半鬼一样的身体卷垂下来。He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo's Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along the body of an imp.

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他年纪六十开外,有一把像米开朗琪罗的摩西雕像上的胡子,从萨蒂尔似的脑袋上顺着小鬼般的身体卷垂下来。He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo's Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp.

他年过六十,有一把像米开朗琪罗的摩西雕像那样的大胡子,这胡子长在一个像半人半兽的森林之神的头颅上,又鬈曲地飘拂在小鬼似的身躯上。He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo's Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp.

帕克斯狼是个酒鬼、烟鬼和色鬼,曾经当过飞行员,后因酒开飞机被抄牌,被解雇回家。ParksWolf is a wine bibber a heavy smoker a satyr. he has been an airman, afterwards, he was to dismissed because he drive the plane with drinking.