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他既非阉人,亦非色鬼。He is neither an eunuch nor a satyr.

陈全请求宦官放了他。Chen Quan requested eunuch to put him.

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我只记得他穿着像个太监。I only know he dressed like an eunuch.

腓利与衣索匹亚的太监谈话。Philip talked with an Ethiopian eunuch.

太监能做变性手术吗?。Can eunuch become metamorphic operation?

宦官文化也有很长的传统。There is also a long tradition of eunuch culture.

明宪宗年间,宦官弄权,滥杀贤臣。Ming Kenso years, eunuch excesses, killing Xian Chen.

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修女是宫嫔,神甫是太监。The nun was the odalisque, the priest was the eunuch.

崇自杀连同一个太监王成恩。Chongzhen suicided together with a eunuch Wang Chengen.

小李飞刀一瞬间,匡翔变成小太监。Xiao li fly knife moment, KuangXiang into little eunuch.

英语中“阉人”一词起源于希腊语“守护床铺的人。”The etymology of "eunuch" is the Greek word for "bed keeper.

邓氏被消灭后,宦官李闰、江京专权。Tang been eliminated, the eunuch Li leap, Jiang Jing-authoritarian.

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太监毕竟是太监,一个阉过的人干出什么大事也呢?Eunuch is eunuch, how could a castrated person achieve great things?

可能是太监的肉嫩吧,要不怎么要劁猪的。I guess a eunuch has tender meat. Maybe that's why they castrate pigs.

本网页包含阉割和阉人题材的内容,只限成年人浏览。The site contains castration and eunuch topics and is for adults only.

其专权乱政危害程度是古代历史上少有的。The harmfulness of eunuch to political chaos is rare in ancient history.

他是一个肌肉发达,身上布满纹身的阉人,正苦寻一座神秘的共济会金字塔。He`s a muscled, tattooed eunuch who`s looking for a hidden Masonic pyramid.

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曾经一段强势的俄罗斯东正教没有了实际能力。The once mighty Russian church became, on sufferance, a eunuch of the state.

据说当时石涛是被一个太监带走并于1651年出家成为和尚。It is said that he was taken away by a eunuch and in 1651 became a Buddhist monk.

他是个黑人,而且被阉割,是个太监。And he’s black, and he’s a eunuch. He’s been sexually altered, sexually mutilated.