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为什么会选择这幅照片作为本书的封面呢?Why did you choose this picture for your DSL book?

此外,在一开始时就要考虑你DSL的范围。Also consider the scope of your DSL in the beginning.

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DSL和缆线数据机连接已更受欢迎。DSL and cable modem connections have become more popular.

如何处理DSL元模型及模型的演进?How do we handle evolution of DSL meta-models and models?

就像我所说的,我仍然没有有线电视或影碟机,但感谢上帝我有DSL网络。As I still do not have cable or dish, thank god I have DSL.

DSL规定了良好定义的的一组元素类型和关系。A DSL imposes a well-defined set of types of elements and relations.

上述代码同样展示了开始定义DSL所需的一些步骤。The above code also shows the first few steps towards defining a DSL.

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但是有时候,我们的确应该拥有一个外部的DSL,并可以与之交互。But in some cases it’s warranted to have an external DSL that can be interacted with.

设计一个DSL需要将领域的各种假想进行可靠的系统化编纂,其中一些要修改很困难。Designing a DSL codifies certain domain assumptions, some of which may be hard to change.

Marko骄傲地表示,即使只有基本的DSL连线,也能享受到无干扰的HDTV。Marko proudly says that even over a basic DSL connection one can get HDTV without glitches.

作为IPTV业务承载的宽带接入技术,DSL将继续居于支配地位。DSL will continue to dominate as the broadband access technology carrying the IPTV services.

对用户来说,他们看到的就是一个XML——基于模式的DSL——可以使服务流得以快速开发。To the user they see an XML schema-based DSL that offers rapid development of service flows.

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最后,告诉你应当如何使用哪种语言创建出一门内部DSL的圣经,是不存在的。Finally, there is no canonical text on how you should create an internal DSL with any language.

所以,通过自动完成,我们让你可以很方便地搞清楚你创建的领域特定语言中有什么。So, we've made it very convenient to figure out what's in the DSL you've created via auto-complete.

DSL和ISDN是通过双绞铜线提供高速最后一公里数据服务的方法。DSL and ISDN are methods for providing high-speed last-mile data service through twisted-pair copper wires.

使用运行数据来确定由一条线路引入另一条DSL线路的FEXT干扰。Operational data is utilized to determine the FEXT interference induced by one line into the other DSL line.

DSL是一种目的明确的、可处理的语言,当我们在一个特定领域内构建系统时,可以用它来描述一个特定的关注点。A DSL is a focused, processable language for describing a specific concern when building a system in a specific domain.

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配置文件实际上是框架作者设计的DSL文件,开发人员用它来配置运行时系统。That config file is actually a DSL designed by the framework author and developers use it to configure a running system.

不同形式的数位用户迴路提供不同的频宽,有些能超过一条T1或E1租线的能力。The different varieties of DSL provide different bandwidths , with capabilities exceeding those of a T1 or E1 leased line.

然而,正如你说的,大多数人都已将DSL用于执行,尽管我们也许根本就没有想过这个问题。However, most of us have already used a DSL for execution, like you suggest, though we probably never thought of it that way.