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因此,我非常同情那些对于翻译学的书籍感到用处不大,或者毫无用处的人们。Accordingly, I am sympathetic with those who find little or no help in books on translatology.

译学词典的编纂原则应当符合翻译学和词典学的双重要求。Translatological dictionaries should be compiled in line with the double requirements of translatology and lexicography.

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而翻译学是对人类交往问题的研究,是不可以不关注交往资质及其规律的。Translatology is the study of human communication, it can never do without the study of communicative capacity and its rules.

建立翻译学的可能性和可行性都已得到中西大部分学者的认同。Both the possibility and feasibility of the establishment of translatology have been recognized by scholars in the West and China.

语言交际中的代码模式和推理模式研究决定了翻译学研究的不同学术走向。The code model and the inferential model of language communication can lead to different trends of translatology research in academic circles.

第四章,笔者引入一种新的翻译范式,即建构主义翻译学。Constructivist translatology is grounded in communicative action theory, and has overwhelming advantages over the previous translation paradigms.

本文认为,翻译研究应当被看作是科学,翻译学作为一门独立的学科是可以建立起来的。The author believes the study on translation can be considered a science, and it is possible for us to set up translatology as a separate discipline.

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格赖斯会话隐涵义理论作为语用学研究的一个重大课题,对语言学和翻译学都有着深远的影响。An issue of great importance in pragmatic study, Grices theory of conversational implicature has had a profound impact on linguistics and translatology.

国际商务翻译是翻译学的一个重要研究对象,翻译学的一般原理能够用来指导其实践和理论研究。IBT is a major object of translatology. The general principles abstracted in translatology can be applied in guiding the study of IBT theory and practice.

如果说解构主义翻译研究范式留给了我们兴奋之后的迷茫与困惑,那建构主义翻译学便是一个代表“明朗”的视角。If it can be said that the Deconstruction Paradigm has left perplexity after enthusiasm in our mind, the Constructivist Translatology could be representative of lucidity.

本文较为详尽地讨论了作为翻译批评分支学科的比较翻译学的批评原则,并以实例介绍了比较翻译的具体批评方法。This paper regards comparative translatology as a branch of translation criticism and discusses its main critical principles and concrete critical methods by various examples.

本文认为必须以言语行为理论作为语言学基础,以哈贝马斯的普遍语用学为理论指导,才能构建起翻译学的理论体系。The author holds that constructive translatology should base its theoretical system on theory of speech acts and be guided by universal pragmatics put forth by Jürgen Habermas.

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中国翻译文学史是研究中外文学关系必须要涉及的领域,也是当前比较文学译介学中的前沿课题。Actually, it has become a significant element of Chinese literature. Therefore, history of translated literature in China also becomes a vital subject in the study of translatology.

这一“文化转向”昭示着翻译是浸透了时代欲望和社会关系的文化政治实践,并促使我们对传统译论有所反思。This "turn" shows that translation is a cultural-political practice loaded with the desires of times and social relationships and urges us to reflect upon the traditional translatology.

另外,国内学者对模糊语言与翻译学关系的研究很有启发性,我们有必要进行更加深入的研究。In addition, the research made by domestic scholars on the relationship between fuzzy linguistics and translatology is introductive and inspirational, however, further researches has to be done.

探讨这一理论在翻译学史中的地位、理论来源、已有成就以及理论建设的意义对翻译研究具有指导作用。The present paper discusses the position of this theory in the history of translatology, its theoretical origins, achievements made and its significance of advancing the theory of translatology.

本文在反思与批判结构主义语言学和本体论语言学的基础上,指出以它们为基础是不可能建立起翻译学的知识体系的。On the basis of reflection and criticism of structuralistic linguistics and ontological linguistics this paper points out that neither of them can serve as the linguistic foundation of translatology.