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英国正式永久占领香港。Britain’s seizure of Hong Kong was formalised, in perpetuity.

其中最简单的东西叫做公债或叫永续年金The simplest thing is something called a consol or perpetuity.

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然而,密钥碎片不会永久地保留在P2P网络上。However, the pieces of key do not remain on the P2P in perpetuity.

我们有理由永远把它继承并发扬光大。So we have sufficient reason to carry forward and further develop it in perpetuity.

大部分商标为集团自有或集团永久持有经营许可权。The majority of the trademarks Warnaco uses are either owned or licensed in perpetuity.

1998年霍普顿杯创办,是苏格兰和澳大利亚之间的固定赛事。The Hopetoun Cup was introduced in 1998 to be contested in perpetuity by Scotland and Australia.

先付年金延期年金永续年金年利率每期利率?Vocabulary ? Annuity Due ? Deferred Annuity ? Perpetuity ? Annualpercentage rate ? Periodic rate.

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永续年金是一种财产或者合同,规定在每一时间段内,支付一定数量的货币,直至永远A perpetuity is an asset or a contract that pays a fixed amount of money each time period, forever.

市区和郊区之间的公园区永远留作市民的活动场所。Parklands, which separate the city and the suburbs, are served in perpetuity for the use of the people.

市区和郊区之间的公园区永远留作人民群众活动的场所。Parklands, which separate the city and the suburbs, are preserved in perpetuity for the use of the people.

但是你每年捕捞量的百分比份额是固定的,并且这张文书保证你的永久捕捞权。But your percentage of the annual haul was fixed, and this piece of paper entitled you to it in perpetuity.

市区和郊区之间的公园区永远留作供人们使用的场所。Parklands , which separate the city and the suburbs, are preserved in perpetuity for the use of the people.

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分隔市区与郊区的绿地永远留作人们活动的场所。Parklands, which separate the city and the suburbs, are preserved in the perpetuity for the use of the people.

新的实践在这一点上绝对清楚,并主要集中在建立可一直生产优秀软件的团队上。The new practices make this absolutely clear and focuses on creating one team to produce great software in perpetuity.

一七一三年西班牙把直布罗陀永久割让给英国,但到了一九五0年代西班牙却试图夺回直布罗陀主权。Gibraltar was ceded in perpetuity to Britain by Spain in 1713. In the 1950's Spain tried to reassert its claim to Gibraltar.

中国人共担责任的理论与实践,经常被视为中国各项制度得以长久保持的众多原因之一。The Chinese theory and practice of responsibility has been often cited as one of the causes of the perpetuity of Chinese institutions.

同时,他也担心这项技术的使用可能会变向鼓励那些国家继续大量排放二氧化碳,并成为一种常态。He also worries that the use of the technique might encourage nations to continue emitting carbon dioxide "essentially into perpetuity."

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现在有许多不同的救助组织,人们付钱,这些组织就会一直照看宠物。There are a lot of different rescue organizations. Or people can put money in their will so the pet will be taken care of in perpetuity.

说到底,强生的股价和任何股价一样,应当是有关公司未来的自由现金流取向无穷尽的一个数学函数。After all, J&J's share price, like any share price, should be a mathematical function of a company's future free cash flows into perpetuity.

办公室每月发放的津贴不只是给皇室成员,“其他家庭和个人也一直都能领到津贴”。The office distributed the monthly stipends -- not just to royals but to "other families and individuals granted monthly stipends in perpetuity."