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一些科学家把灵学归类到骗术范围。Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the sphere of quackery.

一些科学家把灵学归类到骗术范围。Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the sphere of quackery.

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研究超心理学满足我的好奇心,探究生死,减少恐惧。Parapsychology helps me to content my curiosities, try to explore birth and death.

到1970年,美国情报部门开始对苏联在超心理方面的研究非常感兴趣。By 1970, US intelligence had become seriously interested in Soviet research into parapsychology.

同时,你对接收鬼神、第六感、心灵感应、超自然心理等等超自然现象也有着十分开放的态度。You also have a very open attitude towards accepting supernatural phenomena such ghost, psychic, telepathy, parapsychology , etc.

无论星象学、唯灵论、超心理学或者其他主流宗教,都表达人需要通过这些寻找生命的另一个精神世界。Whether it's through astrology, spiritualism, parapsychology or a mainstream religion, people are searching for a spiritual dimension to life.

超心理学,一种对心理现象证据研究的学问,包括心灵感应、千里眼及心灵致动等科学无法解释的现象。Parapsychology The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, that are inexplicable by science.

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如果将现象学看作某种意义上的心而上学,那么它一方面有别于实证心理学,另一方面也有别于思辨心理学和超心理学。Regarded as meta-psychology in a sense, phenomenology is different from positivistic psychology on the one hand and speculative psychology and parapsychology on the other.

其中包括灵魂出窍,超常听觉,超常视觉,信念治愈,临死体验,心灵遥感,这在平常看起来当然是不可能的事情,但是超心理学解释了他们。Including the OBE, abnormal hearing, abnormal vision, faith healing, death experience, telekinesis, which in the ordinary course looks impossible, but explained their parapsychology.

在一份60年代末期CIA的对外报告中,他们估计一个苏维埃超心理学实验室的技术职员已达到300个物理学家,医生,生化学家以及电子工程师。In a CIA report made public in the late 60s, they estimated the technical staff of one Soviet parapsychology laboratory at 300 physicists, doctors, biochemists, and electrical engineers.