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主妇用传统锅灶烧饭。Housewives cook with the traditional wok.

主妇们常常抱怨生活费用昂贵。Housewives often holler about high cost of living.

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这家工厂是在一九八○年由一些家庭妇女搞起来的。This factory was started around 1980 by housewives.

听着好熟悉啊,是绝望的主妇里的台词吗?Sounds so familiar. Is that from Desperate Housewives?

这些妈妈既是上班族又是家庭主妇。Among the mothers are both office workers and housewives.

销售员发现不施加压力的推销术对年轻的家庭主妇很管用。Salesmen found that soft sell works well with young housewives.

安妮和克里斯是约克郡瑞尔斯通镇的两名家庭主妇。Anne and Chris is the Stone Town, Yorkshire riel two housewives.

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我们探问了500名家庭主妇,全讯网。她们中的大大都每天都得干家务活。全讯网。We surveyed 500 housewives. Most of them do housework every day.

家庭主妇可以购买加仑装的牛奶而节省开支。Housewives can economize by buying their milk in gallon containers.

保罗指出,年长妇女可以是年轻主妇的极好帮助。Paul mentions what a help older women can be to younger housewives.

这些熨斗跟家庭主妇们的熨牛大不相同。The heat of these irons was different from that used by housewives.

上午,家里的主妇们会花上大半天时间准备午餐。The housewives would spend part of their morning cooking that meal.

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购物时货比三家,是家庭主妇的好习惯。Some housewives make a habit of shopping around to get the best buy.

台风过后,主妇只能望菜价而兴叹。Housewives are simply flabbergasted at post-typhoon vegetable prices.

家庭主妇可以在足不出户的情况下购物和支付账单。Housewives can do shopping and pay bills without leaving their homes.

家庭主妇们一边挑选蔬菜,一边和卖主讨价还加。Housewives were picking out vegetables and bargaining with the sellers.

我认为妇女理当接管她们传统的脚色,做家庭妇女。I think women should accept their traditional role of being housewives.

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许多家用品可以减轻家庭妇女的劳动。Many household appliances can relieve housewives of the routine chores.

经济学家提醒我们说,许多现代家庭主妇走出家门,找到了工作。Economists remind us that many modern housewives have jobs outside the home.

每年这个时候主妇们就忙着买年货。At this time of the year, housewives are busy doing Spring Festival shopping.