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我叔叔拥有一个苹果园。My uncle has an apple orchard.

农民用栏杆把自己的果园围了起来。The farmer railed in his orchard.

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蜜蜂成群地利果园飞来飞去。Bees swarmed about in the orchard.

蜜蜂成群地在果园里飞来飞去。Bees swarmed about in the orchard.

这是在网走小山的养殖果园。A orchard on the hills of Abashiri.

果园终于被夺过来了。Nevertheless, the orchard was taken.

那好吧,我们就去果园。Okay, then, we’ll go to the Orchard.

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这个花园与一个果园邻接。The garden abutted on to an orchard.

果园的姑娘哦阿娜尔罕哟。A girl named Na Hanyo in the orchard.

我的果园今年果实垒垒。My orchard is bearing well this year.

孟州生态果园模式研究。An Ecologic Orchard Mode in Mengzhou City.

邪恶的人则像果园里患了枯萎病的植物一样。An evil person is a blight on the orchard.

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园丁每年都给果园施肥。The gardener mucked the orchard every year.

它利用一片果树林躲避麻瓜的视线。It is hidden from the Muggles by an orchard.

孩子们在果园里嬉戏。The children were skylarking in the orchard.

他去樱桃园看花。He went to the cherry orchard to see flowers.

燕雀在果园的枝头啁啾While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough

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我们村和运河之间是一个果园。Between the canal and our village is an orchard.

猕猴桃是我国特有的珍贵果树资源。Actinidia is a precious orchard resource in China.

现在,“伦敦果园计划”正致力于改变这一切。The London Orchard Project aims tochange all this.