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心是涅槃,众生皆有佛性。Every sentient being has Buddha-nature!

难道你想让我相信肉是有知觉的?You're asking me to believe in sentient meat.

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发愿必须发利益众生的大愿。Make great vows, to benefit all sentient beings.

愿此加持广传并利益许多众生!May the blessing spread and help many sentient beings!

苍茫海气连云动,石上游人别有情。Lianyun vast sea air moving upstream were not sentient rock.

弟子愿回向所有功德给所有众生。Disciple wishes to dedicate all merits to all sentient beings.

有情众生的怙主,大千世界你无处不在。Glorious refuge of sentient being, everywhere in the universe.

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佛具足无量光,众生也具足无量光。As Buddha possesses limitless light, so do all sentient beings.

接着它教导我们应该平等爱护一切众生。Furthermore, it teaches us to love all sentient beings equally.

伊沃克人是富有灵性的、披毛的两足生物,居住在恩多的卫星上。The Ewoks are sentient furred bipeds native to the moon of Endor.

如果有那里有着它们的有情众生,信号将会传送给它们。If there are sentient beings out there, the signals will reach them.

追随我是一切有感知生物的自由,拒绝则只有死路一条!All sentient beings are free to follow me. Refusal means destruction!

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发愿作一方大地,普载众生,生长万物。Vow to be the earth that nurtures plants and cradles sentient beings.

动物是有知觉的生灵,值得我们给予尊敬和同情。Animals are sentient beings who deserve our respect and our compassion.

度母的七只眼睛无时无刻都在慈悲的观着所有众生。Her seven eyes compassionately watch over sentient beings at all times.

您必需把他们也想成是轮回中的众生之一。You have to think of them also as one of the sentient beings in Samsara.

还有,你带领有情众生走水上大澈大悟之道。Even more, you led these sentient beings to the Path of Complete Enlightment.

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自皈依佛,不可同任何外道,神明护法来作究竟皈依。Since you take refuge in the Dharma, you shouldn"t harm any sentient beings."

在远久的过去,一颗有知觉的宝石,巨大且美丽,将黑暗驱散。In ages past, a sentient jewel, enormous and beautiful, banished the darkness.

再加上那些精灵古怪的小动物,没人知道他们一道会做些什么。Add to that a bunch of sentient animal-things and who knows what they were up to.