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她用涤亡夫处得赖的产业整天喝科。She was drinking all day by dower.

下行和宫或麻省理工学院管理。Dower and Miyagawa or the MIT administration.

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试着从主要的能源供应中获得动力以点亮那些灯。Try running those lights off the main dower supply.

三个女儿快要出嫁了,他为没有钱给她们买嫁妆而难过。Three daughters were being married, he didn't have money to buy dower.

三个女儿快要出嫁了,他为没有钱给她们买嫁妆而难过。The three daughters were being married but he didn't he money to buy dower for his daughters.

三个女儿快要出嫁了,他为没有钱给她们买嫁妆而难过。The three daughters were being married but he didn't have money to buy dower for his daughters.

道尔说明,这些图案是令人震惊的、有种族主义和虐待倾向的。The text by John Dower makes it very clear that these images are shocking, racist, and sadistic.

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电子邮件从美国麻省理工学院的一些同学甚至要求下行教授和宫被解雇。Email messages from some MIT alumni have even called for Professors Dower and Miyagawa to be fired.

宇宙之父已经分罢了他的馈赠,而且往往把最珍贵的妆奁给了最丑陋的国度。The Universal Father has divided his gifts, and at times has given the richest dower to the ugliest.

如果一个人死时还欠犹太人的钱,他的寡妇可以得到丈夫的遗产而不必付这笔债。If a man dies owing money to Jews, his wife may have her dower and pay nothing towards the debt from it.

制定法规定妻子不幸失去丈夫,会失去支持和保护,法律因此赋予妻子以寡妇资格。The statutes provide dower for a wife who has the misfortune to survive her husband, and thus lose his support and protection.

她在丈夫死后可以继续呆在夫家四十天,并在此期间领回她丈夫的遗产。She may remain in her husband's house for forty days after his death, and within this period her dower shall be assigned to her.

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从近代世界看日本,从佩林开始,日本这个国家在许多决定性的时刻,在很多方面都能团结一致。"When you look at Japan in the modern world, since Perry, the country has pulled together in quite remarkable ways in many decisive moments," Dower said.

道尔对于日本粉饰其军国主义历史的行为特别感兴趣,但他也同样关注当权者通常是如何利用历史的。Mr Dower is particularly interested in Japan's sanitisation of its military past, but also the way history in general is often a tool used by the powerful.

为了使局势平静下来,麻省理工学院管理教授和下行田茂有一些让步的这些要求,同时坚持自己的诚信。In order to calm the situation, the MIT administration and Professors Dower and Shigeru have conceded some of these demands, while insisting on their own integrity.

当我是团长历史系,我们聘请约翰下行后,搜索全国表示,他是最优秀的学者,对日本在历史上的国家。When I was the head of the History Faculty, we hired John Dower after a national search indicated that he was the most outstanding scholar of Japanese history in the country.

在媒介会见星期四,说的澳大利亚的外交部长亚历山大嫁妆澳大利亚并且中国的经济比竞争者经济更补足。In a media interview Thursday, Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Dower said the Australian and the Chinese economies were much more complementary than competitor economies.

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毫无疑问,这姑娘脑子不好使,然而德拉姆太太不论在口头上怎么说,实际上无意引退到寡妇房里去。她相信,最宜通过克莱夫的妻子来操纵他。No doubt the girl was a fool, but Mrs Dur-ham did not propose to retire to the dower house in practice, whatever she might do in theory, and believed she could best manage Clive through his wife.