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所有的茄属植物都有毒吗?Are all plants in the nightshade family poisonous?

一片黄色和紫色的龙葵正开得很盛。The nightshade was in its yellow and purple glory.

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人参果属茄科类多年生双子叶草本植物。Ginseng is a perennial dicotyledonous herbs Nightshade classes.

已知茄属植物种类的仅仅不到一半不能自交。Just under half of the known nightshade species cannot self-fertilize.

颠茄的其他名称还包括魔鬼药草和致命的茄属植物。Other names for belladonna include devil's herb and deadly nightshade.

尢其是茄属植物浆果有时会引诱到致命的结果。Nightshade berries in particular have enticed—at times to lethal effect.

在中世纪,致命的茄属植物还被认为能帮助巫婆飞起来。And in the Middle Ages deadly nightshade was believed to help witches fly.

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如果该牌与夜影策划者具有相同的生物类别,你可以展示之。If it shares a creature type with Nightshade Schemers , you may reveal it.

对我们来说,它统一的名字是夜影,它也有剧毒。Its common name, to you and I, is the nightshade and it is highly poisonous.

番茄属于茄科植物,这种植物含有致命的毒素。A – They are related to another poisonous plant called the deadly nightshade.

或许,那就是穿着红色的袍子,有着阴暗的双眼的那个魔鬼,他又该怎么办才好呢?Perhaps it was the very Devil himself, with ember-red robes and nightshade eyes?

一块失效的命石让赤红之风长驱直入,三千人在夜影镇失去了生命。Three thousand died in the town of Nightshade when a lifestone let in the red wind.

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最后,我回去了,发现他卷缩在路旁的一处红龙葵矮丛下面。Finally I went back and found him huddled beneath a red nightshade bush beside the road.

伴随着一阵剧烈的震动,一只亚利桑那隧蜂科昆虫正在一朵颠茄花上进行“震动传粉”。With a vigorous quiver, an Arizona sweat bee "buzz pollinates" a deadly nightshade flower.

植物学家把西红柿与颠茄、黑天仙子和其他有毒的前属植物归于同一科。Botanists placed the tomato in the same family as belladonna , black henbane, and deadly nightshade.

有毒的结晶性生物碱,从茄类植物,特别是埃及天仙子…A poisonous, crystalline alkaloid derived from certain nightshade plants, especially Egyptian henbane.

有毒的结晶性生物碱,从茄类植物,特别是埃及天仙子提炼而得。A poisonous , crystalline alkaloid derived from certain nightshade plants, especially Egyptian henbane.

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树蕃茄作为茄类植物的家庭成员,与蕃茄,茄子,胡椒,和土豆有关。As a member of the nightshade family, the tomatillo is related to the tomato, eggplant, pepper, and potato.

烟草是属于茄科或茄属植物的四季生长的较高草本开花植物。Tobacco is a tall perennial herbaceous flowering plant that belongs to the solanaceae or nightshade family.

马克.w。莫菲特摄--随着一阵剧烈的震颤,一只美国亚利桑那州的隧蜂正在嗡嗡地给一朵颠茄花授粉。Photograph by Mark W. Moffett – With a vigorous quiver, an Arizona sweat bee "buzz pollinates" a deadly nightshade flower.