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我的性格不适合这种工作。I'm temperamentally unsuited to this job.

这个句子不适合女人用。It was a sentence that was unsuited for a woman's use.

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石油树脂是造纸行业用施胶剂的重要品种之一。It is unsuited to the development of petroleum resins and paper industry.

根据Weinberg’的法则,网站的代码开发者不适合做为测试人员。according to Weinberg’s law, a developer is unsuited to test his or her code.

至少直到你停止关心这件事,因为她看起来完全不适宜出现在这样的场合。At least until you stop caring because she's so completely unsuited to the part.

在每个人旳鞋柜里,一定会有一双尺寸不合旳鞋子。At everyone the shoes mile, certainly have a pair of sizes to be unsuited to hoes.

按照弗雷格所说的“概念词意谓概念”我们可以构造不合式的句子。According to Frege's "concept-word mean concept" we can establish unsuited sentence.

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我们的英式民主滋生不稳定,不适合我们的环境。Our British-style democracy is breeding instability and is unsuited to our circumstances.

那些搬得不对的,不适合我们这块土地的东西,必须改过来。Where things are wrongly transplanted and unsuited to this land of ours, there must be changes.

医学院的决定基本上是学术裁断,因此不适于法庭方法。The decision involved essentially academic judgments and was thus unsuited to courtroom methods.

过于复杂的造型、过于繁杂的花色,均不适宜设计简洁的房间。Too too complex modelling, multifarious design and color, all the room with unsuited concise design.

呵呵,你小子,难道是在说我选的书不合适?Ha ha, Tomato Red UGGs, your lad, is mentioning namely the book namely I select namely unsuited apt proper?

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而他们偏好的身份证明,是美籍犹太人非常不适应的。And the type of proof that the rabbinate prefers is peculiarly unsuited to Jewish life in the United States.

在最初交往的时候,狮子座和双子座也许会发现对彼此不适应。In the initial days of the relationship, the Leo and Gemini may find that they both are unsuited for each other.

通过对原划线方法的认真分析,找到其不合理性。Passing through analysing of the original lineation method, finding out that it is unsuited to the reasonableness.

我一直觉得,像这样的地方是不适宜人类居住的,可大规模的移民又是不现实的。I always think area like this is unsuited for human beings, but it is also unpractical to emigrant in a large scale.

究其原因主要是不适当灌溉,植被破坏和海水内侵。The occurrence of salinization are mainly due to unsuited irrigation, plant community damage and seawater intrusion.

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这些都是可以改的,你买回去要是不合适戴,一年内都可以凭单来免费修改指圈。All of these can change, if be unsuited to wear, you can come back to free modification with the certificate in a year.

美国的移民制度也已经过时,既不能满足我们的经济需求,也不符合我们的价值观念。America's immigration system is also outdated -- unsuited to the needs of our economy and to the values of our country.

在此他写下了那篇著名的博士论文,认为宪法下政府机关彼此之间的制衡不适合现代民主。His Ph.D. thesis famously pronounced the Constitution's checks and balances antique and unsuited to a modern democracy.