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爸爸是个没骨头的胆小鬼。Father's a cowardly custard.

那你也是个没骨头的胆小鬼。So are you a cowardly custard.

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滤去蛋奶沙司中的颗粒。Strain the custard to remove lumps.

最后一道菜是什么?是水果和乳蛋糕吗?。What's for afters? Is it fruit and custard?

柠檬派、巧克力圣代和软冻布丁。Lemon pie, chocolate sundae and custard pudding.

我想要一些招牌莱姆蛋奶冻…I would like to have some of that key lime custard.

我想要一块千层糕,两块蛋挞。I'd like to have a Multi-Layer Cake and two Custard '.

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那是加鸡肉、小虾、杏仁蒸的蛋羹。It's an egg custard with chicken, shrimp and gingko nuts.

往蛋奶沙司粉里加入一点儿牛奶,搅成糊糊。Blend a little milk with the custard powder to form a paste.

就像所有最好的食物一样,奶油蛋挞的制作很简单。Like all the best foods, the custard tart is simplicity itself.

做碎肉茄子蛋,用肉、茄子、土豆、西红柿和蛋奶沙司。Moussaka combines meat, eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, and custard.

柠檬派,糖油煎饼,巧克力圣代和奶油布丁。Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding.

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这种甜点是由糖、牛奶和蛋所制成,类似蛋奶冻。Made from sugar, milk, and eggs, this sweet dish is similar to custard.

一旦牛奶沙司能裹住勺子背后了就搅进冷焦糖。Once the custard coats the back of a spoon, stir into the cooled caramel.

水浴是用来提供温度保护鸡蛋蛋糕。A water bath is used to provide temperature protection for the egg custard.

而危险性最高的当属便宜的奶油冰淇淋饼干。And the title of the most dangerous biscuit belongs to the humble custard cream.

你的敌人包括滚动的果冻爆炸球和巡查军队,爆炸兔。Enemies include walking, exploding bowls of custard and force-fed , exploding rabbits.

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这种甜品,散发着绝妙气味的豆蔻与幼滑的牛奶蛋羹完美地组合在一起,浇上焦糖的柑橘散发着的芬芳让这道菜赏心悦目,比它的美味还要更胜一筹。The sweet, subtle scent of the cardamom pairs wonderfully with the smooth egg custard.

不过我个人觉得,如果宝宝消化较好,每天都可以吃鸡蛋羹。But I personally feel that, if the baby digest better custard eating chicken every day.

马蹄粉和吉士粉加入280毫升水和匀,加入椰子汁拌成粉糊。Mix water chestnut powder and custard powder with 280ml water, add coconut milk, stir well.