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经过约20分钟对打,这场小冲突就酱结束了。After about 20 minutes, the skirmish was over.

到底是什麽,让遭遇战变得如此特别?What makes the new skirmish game mode so unique?

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北韩通过小规模的冲突来显示自己的强韧。North Korea showed its toughness through the skirmish.

但是在面对重骑兵和散兵的进攻时,他们却是十分脆弱的。They are vulnerable when attacked by heavy cavalry and skirmish troops.

而且,任何小规模的军事冲突都将对中韩关系产生毁灭性的冲击。Any military skirmish could have a devastating impact on Sino-South Korean relations.

冲突导致李明博星期五撤换了国防部长。The skirmish prompted President Lee Myung-bak to replace his defense minister on Friday.

这场小冲突是最新的信号,表明了政府云计算市场对IT产业的重要性。This skirmish is the latest indication of the importance of GovCloud to the IT industry.

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这次骚动导致至少六名士兵死亡,并迫使几千村民逃往安全地点。The skirmish killed at least six soldiers and forced thousands of villagers to flee to safety.

但是这场围绕钻探的冲突拉开了更大规模的关于环境政策争论的序幕。But the skirmish over drilling is the opening stage of a much bigger fight over environmental policy.

工程学鞋子附魔硝化甘油推进器不能再在竞技场排名赛或练习赛中使用。The engineering boot enchant, Nitro Boosts, will no longer be usable in rated or skirmish arena matches.

步兵,塔克,他跑,炼油厂,地雷,这些武器及建筑可以协助你完成不同的任务模式!Infantries, tanks, turrets, oil refineries, land mines, different mission to complete and a skirmish mode!

从现在起所有战棋的同好们都会去注意地图上是否有雕像或靠近胜利区及起始区了。Now all the skirmish fans are looking for maps that have statues in or near victory areas and start areas.

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而获得SOA技能的挑战对于IT天才们来说不仅仅意味着是大战争中的一场小冲突。Yet the challenge of acquiring SOA skills is more than just another skirmish in the larger war for IT talent.

这位军官补充说,克钦军与缅护送军列士兵发生小规模战斗。There was a skirmish between the KIA troops and Burmese Army soldiers, escorting the weapons train, added KIA officers.

作为盖尔骑兵主力,玛卡什骑兵通常用于侧翼骚扰、追杀残兵或冲击敌军薄弱环节。The main body of horsemen , Marcach are used by Gaels to skirmish and run down routers, or charge a weak enemy position.

这个模式让你可以跟使用起始套卡的电脑对手对抗,以测试自己的套卡。Skirmish allows you to test your deck against one of four computer AI opponents using starter decks, one for each archetype.

轻步兵用以组成散兵队形以迟滞敌军的前进速度,并驱逐敌军轻步兵以防他们骚扰本军阵线。Light infantry forces form a skirmish line to slow the enemy advance and keep their own line unmolested by enemy skirmishers.

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1578年,已经成为匈牙利军部总司令的纳达斯蒂领导匈牙利部队对奥斯曼帝国开展了前哨战。In 1578, Nádasdy, already the chief commander of the Hungarian troops led the Hungarian army to skirmish against the Ottomans.

此后的文化战斗中,用穿礼服的鸟儿来扮演同性婚姻之类的事儿,这种倾向导致了值得纪念的冲突。The propensity for tuxedoed birds to enact something like a gay marriage has since provided a memorable skirmish in the culture wars.

你到街垒外面去走一趟,沿着房屋的墙壁溜到街上各处去看看,回头再来把外面的情况告诉我。Go out of the barricade, slip along close to the houses, skirmish about a bit in the streets, and come back and tell me what is going on.