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托马斯杰弗逊就是这样一个自信的理性主义者。One such self- confident rationalist was Thomas Jefferson.

最后,理性主义者在断言时总带些武断性的气质。The rationalist finally will be of dogmatic temper in his affirmations.

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不过,在有些方面,洛克有点理性主义思想。But there are some respects in which Locke goes towards rationalist side.

这是一所古雅的圣殿,理性主义者可以躲在其中。It is a classic sanctuary in which the rationalist fancy may take refuge.

我的父亲曾有意把我培养成一个理性主义者,我即以此身份发言。I speak as one who was intended by my father to be brought up as a Rationalist.

物质利益之争使马克思对理性主义的正义观产生了疑问。The disputes of material benefits made Marx suspect the viewpoint of rationalist justice.

这与情感的联系是什么使许多经济学家反对理性泡沫的想法。This link with emotions is what makes many rationalist economists reject the idea of bubbles.

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有些教师特别指出前千禧年论乃是对抗理性主义的堡垒。Some teachers said explicitly that premillennialism was a bulwark against rationalist theology.

后来她也成了唯理论者,这被当时上流社会的许多人看做是对上帝的亵渎行为。She became a rationalist herself , at a time when this considered by many in polite society to be blasphemy.

作为一个犹太人,一个自由主义者,一个人道主义者,一个国际主义者,他招致了民族主义者和反犹太者的敌意。As a Jew, a liberal, a humanist, an internationalist, he attracted the enmity of rationalist and anti-semites.

作为一个犹太人,一个自由主义者,一个人道主义者,一个国际主义者,他招致了民族主义者和反犹太者的敌意。As a Jew, a liberal, a humanist, an internationalist, he attracted the enmity of rationalist and anti- semites.

他的工作调和了许多18世纪理性主义和经验主义传统的分歧。His work reconciled many of the differences between the rationalist and empiricist traditions of the 18th century.

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犹太哲学既不同于西方的理性主义哲学,也不同于中国古代的直觉主义哲学。The Jewish philosophy is different both from rationalist philosophy of West and the intuitionism of ancient China.

它建立在白人是理性主义者和主张技术统治、而殖民牺牲者们是有精神的和体格健壮的陈腔滥调之上。It rests on the stereotype that white people are rationalist and technocratic while colonial victims are spiritual and athletic.

他教导柔的启示和人文价值和约康德和他的统一,经验主义和理性主义思想。He teaches Sophie about the Enlightenment and its humane values and about Kant and his unification of empiricist and rationalist thought.

建立在个人主义的第一人称确定性基础之上的哲学的理性主义和经验主义方法都表明是错误的。The individualistic first-person certainty which underlies both rationalist and empiricist approaches to philosophy is shown to be in error.

她20出头的时候就阅读了唯理论者们写的书,这些书对传统宗教的清规戒律大加批判。In her Early 20s, she read works written by members of the rationalist society, which criticised the dogma of traditional religious observance.

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并且,理性主义之大部分领袖都是具有高道德标准的诚实人,他们绝不会支持无限制的个人主义或法纪荡然无存。Individual rationalist leaders, furthermore, were upright men with high moral standards. They would never support unbridled individualism or lawlessness among the people.

女议员试图劫持贵族,20世纪英国和平时期最伟大的、秉持理性主义的首相在她自己的竞选里一定会怒火中烧。For the congresswoman to attempt to hijack the noble, rationalist legacy of Britain’s greatest 20th-century peacetime premier for her own campaign is regurgitatively infuriating.

我父亲像我一样是一个十足的理性主义者,只不过他在我三岁那年便过世了,而衡平法院裁定我应当享有获得基督教教育的权益。He was quite as much of a Rationalist as I am, but he died when I was three years old, and the Court of Chancery decided that I was to have the benefits of a Christian education.