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我踩上了沙子又踏上了顽石i stepped on sand then stone

他从黑暗中走了出来。He stepped out of the shadows.

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他向我走过来,微笑着。He stepped toward me, smiling.

这就是时间的行走路线?Is it the stepped route of time?

她向旁跨了一步让我过去。She stepped aside to let me pass.

他们从云中行出来。The men stepped out of the cloud.

该死的!你踩着我的脚指头了!Damn it! You've stepped on my toe!

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该死,你踏了我的脚尖!You're stepped on my toe, damn it.

他敏捷地跨过泥水坑。He stepped lightly over the puddle.

吉姆推门进来了。The door opened and Jim stepped in.

他从容地走上了讲台。He calmly stepped onto the platform.

他茫然的下了车。He stepped from the truck in a daze.

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士兵们精神抖擞地齐步走。The man stepped off in good spirits.

他两眼含着泪,走了进来。He stepped in, with tears in his eyes.

十六岁的汉斯向前地踏。Sixteen-Year-old Hans stepped forward.

他脱下衣服,迈入池中。He undressed and stepped into the pool.

小裁缝跨步上前鞠躬。The little tailor stepped up and bowed.

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这老人爬楼有困难了。The old man stepped up with difficulty.

连警察也介入来维持秩序。And the police stepped in to keep order.

妈妈一边儿踏进车里,一边儿说。My mom said as she stepped into the car.