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苏丹西部达尔富尔地区是恐怖主义么?Is Darfur terrorism?

让我拿达尔福尔做例子。Let me use Darfur as an example.

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苏丹西达尔富尔州国内流离失所者营地**Sudan, West Darfur State IDP camps **

达尔富尔的种族灭绝使我们所有的良知蒙羞。The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all.

他还表示,他们的政党不会在达尔富尔地区拉选票。He also said the party would not contest polls in Darfur.

巴希尔因在达尔富尔的战争罪的种族大屠杀而受到统计。He is wanted on charges of war crimes and genocide in Darfur.

那一方净土,已成为尔扎心中的蒙鸠!That one party sukhavati, has become the darfur pierced hate!

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他也为索马里、达尔富尔和非洲的和平事业而呼吁。He also appealed for peace in Somalia, Darfur and Ivory Coast.

他还呼吁津巴布韦、刚果、达尔富尔和索马里实现和平。He also called for peace in Zimbabwe, Congo, Darfur and Somalia.

拘捕证的发布是否将影响达尔弗尔的和平进程?Will the issuance of warrants affect the peace process in Darfur?

中国是首批向这一地区派遣维和部队的国家之一。China was among the first countries sending peace-keepers to Darfur.

我们也衷心希望达尔富尔问题早日得到妥善解决。We sincerely wish an early and proper settlement of the Darfur issue.

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有关达尔富尔的报道没有以前那么多了,但是该地区并没有多少好转。Darfur is not as much in the news as it was, but it is not any better.

上月,达富尔南部地区确定了一例新野生型脊髓灰质炎病毒感染的病例。The new case of wild poliovirus was confirmed last month in south darfur.

他呼吁西方在达尔富尔也建立一个利比亚式的禁飞区。He also called on the West Darfur no-fly zone to establish a Libyan-style.

在达尔富尔有将近9千多名国际军队和警方人员。More than 9, 000 international military and police personnel are in Darfur.

从2003年起,23万苏丹难民从达尔富尔涌入乍得东部。Since 2003, 230, 000 Sudanese refugees have fled to eastern Chad from Darfur.

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温得和克附近的卡图拉和科马斯达尔是非洲人聚居的城镇。Windhoek card near Tula and comas Darfur are Africans live in cities and towns.

随后将由演员米亚·法罗每天从达尔富尔的一个难民营发布网上直播。Followed by a daily webcast by the actress Mia Farrow from a Darfur refugee camp.

关于巴希尔在达尔弗尔罪行中的角色,人权观察有什么发现?What has Human Rights Watch found regarding al-Bashir's role in crimes in Darfur?