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玛丽知道如何施催眠术。Mary knows how to hypnotize people.

有些颜色则可以催眠。Some of the colors are designed to hypnotize.

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施催眠术让他做出违反本意的事。She hypnotize him into do thing against his own will.

齐塔人能否说服某人的灵魂或者用催眠术使他这么做?Can zetas convince someone's soul or hypnotize him to do it?

有任何的方法我们能,我不知道,在外施催眠术我和发现?Is there any way we can, I don't know, hypnotize me and find out?

不要去读那些有关如何设圈捕捉、引诱或迷住一个配偶之类的文章。Don't read articles about how to trap, seduce or hypnotize a mate.

一位催眠治疗师将对你实施催眠,从而帮你戒烟。A hypnotherapist will hypnotize you and will stop you from smoking.

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出人意料的是,自我催眠术只要上一次课就可以学会。Surprisingly, the ability to hypnotize yourself can be learnt in a single session.

也许某一天等我们完成了类人猿符号学翻译,我们就能催眠比利然后把它弄出来。Maybe someday we can finish the symbol interpreter, hypnotize Billy and get it out.

想忘记心中烦恼的时候只能依靠酒精来麻醉自己。Want to forget that at heart vexed moment can only depend on alcohol to hypnotize self.

耍蛇是通过演奏乐器假装给蛇催眠的活动。Snake charming is the practice of pretending to hypnotize a snake by playing an instrument.

室内和户外应用的理想选择,这些金属砖的现代化,催眠!Ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications, these metal tiles will modernize, and hypnotize !

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假如您有能力给任何人施以一天催眠术,您将会选谁,并且在催眠后您想让他们做什麽呢?If you have the power to hypnotize anyone for a day, who would you pick and what would you have them do?

今天,在几乎每个国家里医生和科学家们让人们坚信他们可以解决问题。Today, doctors and scientists in almost every country hypnotize people to help them with their problems.

我的心理医生就经常在治疗期间给我实施催眠,因为这样有助于我能够更放松、放宽心情。My psychiatrist would often hypnotize me in our treatment sessions because it helps me to be more relaxed.

被称为“神经学的拿破仑”的他,会向学生和其他人演示如何催眠病人。He would hypnotize patients for groups of students and others, gaining the nickname "the Napoleon of the neuroses ."

但Cembalest很快指出,这些庞大的数字像是在催眠,存在了太多的误解与幻想。But big numbers can hypnotize and there are a lot of misconceptions and wrinkles to the story that Cembalest is quick to point out.

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这是有意义的,如果催眠师能够在台上催眠,那么他当然也可以在台下催眠。可以再不知觉的情况下进行吗?It makes sense, if a hypnotist can hypnotize people at a stage show, then surely he'd be able to do it off the stage as well, when people aren't aware of it?

政治家,宗教领袖,唯精神论者,魔术大师,甚至心理学工作者都在使用这种催眠。他们通过这种催眠让许多人去办某种事,思考某个问题。It's the type of hypnosis that politicians, faith healers, mentalists, illusionists, even psychics use in order to hypnotize many people into doing things, or thinking certain things.

如果你知道如何自我催眠,这种方法可能是最有用的,用“我是最好”的方法自我催眠,充分利用这种方法将你的整个人融入准备睡觉的状态。If you know how to hypnotize yourself, this technique might be a useful one, using the "Best Me" technique of self-hypnosis. Use this to involve your whole person in the process of going to sleep.