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我们肯定会说到做到,支付你们退回的从我处购买的商品的运费。We surely will live up to our words that we will pay the freightage for returning the goods that your buy from us.

铁路货物运输的集装箱化是提高铁路运输效率的重要手段。The containerization of railway freightage is an important means of enhancing the efficiency of railway transportation.

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货主不得直接向境外运输企业支付国际贸易项下海运运费及相关费用。Freighters may not pay the maritime freightage and relevant charges directly to overseas transport enterprises in international trade.

货代公司及船代公司均不得购汇支付国际海运运费和相关费用。Neither freight agencies nor shipping agencies may purchase foreign exchange to pay international maritime freightage or relevant charges.

多式联运运输方式选择问题直接关系到货物运输的费用、时间和运输质量。Transportation modes selection in multimode transportation directly influences the freightage cost, freightage time and freightage quality.

“治超”对中国物流市场、道路快货物流的发展和农产品加工业的发展都将产生巨大的影响。Administering overload will greatly influence China logistics market, the development of road express freightage and farm produce processing industry.

“无项目”状态只是达到最终目标之前的中间阶段,因而“无项目”情况下的客货运输量将会不大于“有项目”情况下相应的数据。As "without project" is the in-between situation before the final state, the freight volume for passenger and freightage is less than that of "with project".

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实现的基于ALE接口规范的RFID应用系统,成功应用于我军某部的后勤管理中,提高了军事物流保障管理的水平。Based on the ALE interface standards, RFID system has been successfully applied in logistics management of the army, improving the military freightage management.

第二百九十二条旅客、托运人或者收货人应当支付票款或者运输费用。Article 292 Passenger's Remedies in Case of Carrier's Failure to Travel by Prescribed Route The passenger, consignor or consignee shall pay the fare or freightage.

借鉴国外铁路货运以及其他运输方式发展物流的经验,提出了货运站发展现代物流的思路。Consulting the practice of overseas railway freightage and other transportation modes, the idea is presented about developing modern logistics in railway freight station.

然后,基于现状数据进行最佳路径分析,为用户出行、货物运输、应急救援等提供辅助决策支持。Based on temporal data, whereafter, the article lays stress on the realization details of route analyzing, which offers assistant decision-making for user's travel, freightage and emergent succor.