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生活就是至福,去体验它。Life is a dream realize it.

我可以实现我的所有梦想。I can realize all my dreams.

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您意识到这意味着什么吗?Do you realize what that means?

不论你认识到没有。Whether you realize that or not.

我没意识到已经冒犯了他。I don't realize that offends him.

认识到“亡羊补牢,尤未为晚”。Realize that it's never too late.

生活是一场梦,让我们实现它吧!Life is a dream , lets realize it!

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她还没有认识到她的错误。She didn't realize her mistake yet.

希望她们能早日实现自己的飞天梦。Wish them to realize flying dreams.

你知道这将是我的初体验?You realize this makes me a virgin.

弗思则弗得。Without thinking one cannot realize.

所以我们为什么不去实现更多的理想呢?So why do not we realize more dreams?

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带给加盟者实现美好梦想。Lets Franchisees Realize Their Dreams.

这就是我怎样认识到我的错误的。That's how I came to realize my fault.

人也可以通过巴克提来认识神。One can realize God through bhakti too.

你必须意识到这有多大的说服力You have to realize how potent this is.

直视幻蛟我以为你是明白这点的!Watches Jiao I thought you realize this!

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你们会发现无法回答这个问题You realize that you cannot answer that.

很快,江海松就意识到了此举的代价之高。He quickly came to realize the high cost.

我原先不知道这是双片连映。I didn't realize it was a double feature.