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茉莉照顾让佳。Jasmine took good care of Rajah.

让佳太大了,玩不成穿衣服了。Rajah is too big to play dress-up.

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公主总是让让佳免受伤害。The princess kept Rajah safe from harm.

茉莉给让佳做了一个小床。Jasmine and Rajah did many things together.

让佳变成了一只大老虎,强壮的老虎!Rajah became a very big tiger. And a strong tiger, too!

银团由立杰的合伙人安吉拉·利姆顾问。The banks were advised by Rajah & Tann partner Angela Lim.

“你不能干这种事,”国王说,“我不准。”"You cannot do this thing, " said the Rajah. "I forbid it."

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凡是能弄到手的钱,他花起来象一位印度王子。What money he could lay his hands on he spent like anIndian rajah.

凡是能到他手里的钱,他花起来像个王公贵族。What money he could lay his hands on, he spent like an Indian rajah.

只要他能够搞到钱,他挥金如土就像印度君主那样。What money he could lay his hands on, he spent like an Indian rajah.

“没什么好怕的,”国王说,“没几只老虎是吃人的。”"There is nothing to be frightened of, " said the Rajah. "Very few tigers are man-eaters."

KC营养液最适合白雪公主的生长,各项生长指标都这到最佳。The best effect on promoting White Rajah growth and development was KC nutrition with the optimum indexes.

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然后国王、王妃、王妃的姑母和宫殿的侍从们极不情愿地离开了,让老虎和香桂公主独处。And, reluctantly, the Rajah and the Rani and the Rani's aunt and the palace staff left the beast with Cinnamon.

巴丹死后,印度王赐其两根石柱,置于其“新加坡海峡边的墓”上。On Badang's death, the Rajah sent two stone pillars to be raised over his grave "at the point of the straits of Singhapura".

这堆交错物位于一个抬高的8公顷地面上,边界是亚历山大路和艾尔拉加高速公路,在新加坡南方翠绿的山脊线上。The Interlace is located on an elevatedeight-hectare site, bounded by Alexandra Road and the Ayer Rajah Expressway, amidst the verdant Southern Ridges of Singapore.