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朝圣者们乘专机去麦加。He went to Mecca as a pilgrim.

其中一个问题是,咳咳,斯科特。One problem is, well, Scott Pilgrim.

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香客将常启开我门的门闩。Oft shall the pilgrim lift the latch.

唯独一爱你那朝圣者的心。Bue one man loved the pilgrim soul in you.

现在我们是结拜三兄弟了,朝圣者男孩说。Now we are Brothers Three, said the Pilgrim boy.

唯独一人爱你朝圣者的心But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you.

一朝拜者围着色拉寺大殿转经。A pilgrim circling the Great Hall of Sera Monastery.

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父亲带着一个高高的,黑色的,带着银色搭扣的朝圣帽子。The father wore a tall, black Pilgrim hat with a silver buckle.

他特别喜欢那个父亲唱那些朝圣歌曲的时候。He especially liked the father when he sang those Pilgrim songs.

想祈求健康去除病魔的信徒们都要到这里烧香拜佛。To pray for health, every pilgrim would incense and worship here.

更正确的是朝觐者祈祷安拉,向安拉寻求自己的愿望。Rather a pilgrim is to supplicate Allah and ask Him whatever he desires.

他们在新朝圣者浸信会集合,然后开始了有秩序的游行。They gathered at the New Pilgrim Baptist Church and began an orderly march.

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美国纪念前辈清教徒移民登岸390周年。America celebrates the 390th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers.

前往西奈圣地的朝圣路线通过内格夫。The pilgrim route to the Christian holy places in Sinai went through the Neger.

士兵们于是勉强一位叫做西门的朝圣者,替耶稣扛十字架走余下的路。The soldiers then made a pilgrim named Simon carry the cross the rest of the way.

本文的研究成果对公司和周期轧管机组的搬迁具有决策参考价值。The study has the reference value for the company and the pilgrim rolling unit removing.

在他的自传里,这两面性常使这个理想的朝圣者犹豫不决。Both sides too often confuse him with the striving pilgrim he portrayed in his autobiography.

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一个穆斯林朝圣者在一年一度的朝觐读取11月11日,2010年摩铝努尔可兰经。A Muslim pilgrim reads the Koran at Mount Al-Noor during the annual Hajj on November 11, 2010.

在清教徒的家里,成年人吃饭的时候,孩子和仆人必须在一旁侍餐。In a pilgrim household, the adults sat down to eat and the children and servants waited on them.

2011年11月5日,朝圣者在麦加附近的阿拉法特纳米拉清真寺外祷告。Muslim pilgrim pray outside Namira mosque in Arafat near Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on November 5, 2011.