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他的眼光落到了玻璃镇纸的碎片上。His eye fell on the fragments of the glass paperweight.

等一下,你以前有每次都看清楚书镇吗?。Wait, have you every really looked at a paperweight before?

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但是王侠军和一个小小玻璃镇纸改写了历史。But Heinrich Wang and a small glass paperweight changed all that.

但海茵里奇。黄和一个小小的玻璃镇纸彻底改变了历史。But Heinrich Wang and a small glass paperweight changed all that.

对比之下,它们使得台球桌上那厚重的石头如同纸镇一般黯淡无光。They make the chunk on the pool table seem dull as a paperweight.

等等,你们跟在巨大纸镇里的那个绿色疯吉普赛人讲过话了吗?。Have you been talking to that crazy green gypsy in the giant paperweight?

屋子里开始发暗,他转身凑着光亮,盯着玻璃镇纸看。He turned over towards the light and lay gazing into the glass paperweight.

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“我试着要求顾客付多点预付款,但是顾客对这样的做法很抵触。”生产压纸器的黄总说道。“I do try to ask for more deposits upfront, but customers are resistant,” said Ms. Huang, the paperweight maker.

最先进的袖珍式计算机一旦电池电量耗尽,就会变得一文不值。The most advanced pocket computer you could imagine becomes nothing more than a paperweight once the battery runs out.

角落里那张折叠桌上,他上次来时买的玻璃镇纸,在昏暗朦胧下闪着柔和的光彩。In the corner on the gateleg table the glass paperweight which he had bought on his last visit gleamed softly out of the half-darkness.

你可以把你的愤怒、恐惧、焦虑和压力写出来而不必用镇纸对带给你这些情绪影响的人大打出手。You can address your anger, fear, worry and stress without bludgeoning the person who embodies those emotions for you with a paperweight.

其实,他第一次想到这念头,全由于折叠桌面映出的镇纸,给他留下极深的印象。Actually the idea had first floated into his head in the form of a vision of the glass paperweight mirrored by the surface of the gateleg table.

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别担心,有几件事你可以尝试让你的路由器的工作再放弃和您的路由器。Don't worry, there are a number of things you can try to get your router working again before giving up and living with the fact that your router is now a paperweight.

本发明是压板,属于防止写字时本子卷边的文具技术领域,解决小学生写字时本子卷边的问题。The present invention relates to a paperweight board, belonging to the field of stationery technology, aimed at preventing exercise-book edge from curling when schoolchild writes on it.

她有很强的形象化天赋,可以让读者通过文字形象地看到保藏在玻璃镇纸里面的蝴蝶翅膀,还有小男孩跃入水池里让人眼花缭乱的杂耍。She has a strong pictorial talent, and can make the reader see everything from the wings of a butterfly preserved in a glass paperweight to the giddy acrobatics of little boys jumping into a pool.