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我又掉进去了。I fall in again.

你想把我撂倒啊!?You wanna me fall?

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我们能堕入爱河。We can fall in love.

它们一定会坠落。They will surely fall.

我绝对不能睡着。I must not fall asleep.

同时我也去了一个水濂。I went to a water fall.

什么是秋天?Lesson 3. What is Fall?

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他们不会陷入情网?Don't they fall in love?

我担心我会不会跌倒。I wonder if I will fall.

请不要让我掉下去。Please dont let me fall.

您是从天上掉下来的!Did you fall from heaven?

我又掉进坑了,都成习惯了。I fall in the hole again.

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爱尔兰是第二个倒下的。Ireland was next to fall.

骄傲必败。Pride goes before a fall.

骄傲就会摔交。Pride goes before a fall.

树丛使他下落的坠势稍缓。The trees broke his fall.

他们的不足又在何处?Where do they fall short?

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词不用就会成为废词。Words fall off by disuse.

溜溜球既可以上升也可以下降。A yo-yo can rise and fall.

争论中,西凤摔倒。Debate, west chicken fall.