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以太网能用于广域网吗?。Can Ethernet Be Used for WANs?

未探测到以太网卡。No Ethernet card was detected.

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我们来配置一个以太网卡。Let's also configure an Ethernet card.

梅特卡夫分享四项以太网专利。Metcalfe shares four patents for ethernet.

它们的表现类似千兆以太网连接。They act like a gigabit ethernet connection.

以太网在ALOHA网络的基础上作了若干改进。Ethernet improves on ALOHAnet in several ways.

它建议在适当的乙太网路卡。It recommends the proper Ethernet network card.

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其三是以太网数据交换电路与JTAG接口电路。The last part is Ethernet and JTAG circuit units.

通常您的系统中都会提供两个以太网卡。Usually your system comes with two Ethernet cards.

应用千兆位以太网仍有挑战。There are challenges for deploying Gigabit Ethernet.

通常是以太网卡和点到点设备,以及猫的接口。Most commonly Ethernet cards and ppp, the modem interface.

对于IP声音竖板,需要提供以太线路。For IP voice risers , ethernet backgrond shall be provided.

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如果可以的话,将一个网络电缆插入以太网插口。Plug a network cable, if available, into the Ethernet jack.

兼容的调制解调器,以太网卡,声卡或其他PCI卡。Compatible modem, ethernet card, sound card or other PCI card.

托管型交换器可以更好的控制网络。Managed Ethernet Switches allow greater control of your network.

它提供了一个快速参考标准以太网接线管脚。It provides a quick reference to standard Ethernet wiring pinouts.

在一个乙太区域网路里,网路卡怎样知道什麽时候它能传送数据?。In an Ethernet LAN, how does the NIC know when it can transmit data?

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梅特卡夫博士并没有从以太网的实质发明中赚钱。Dr Metcalfe did not make money from the actual invention of Ethernet.

本文首先对MVB协议和以太网协议进行了深入的分析。Firstly, the MVB and Ethernet protocols have been analyzed in detail.

这份备忘录提出以太网的基本特性和名字。The memo puts forth the basic properties of -- and names -- ethernet.