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落魄者高擎我的旗帜。The wretched hold my banner high.

他们是世上的废物。These are the wretched of the earth.

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一开头就这样糟糕,可真要命!This is a wretched beginning indeed!

骑士啊,是什么苦恼你。Ah, what Can ail thee, wretched wight.

看那微弱的星光与燃尽的太阳。See the wretched stars , burnt-out sun.

我的心如死灰,死是唯一出路。My heart is so wretched that I must die.

过去的一年对于日本来说是凄凄惨惨的一年。The past year in Japan has been wretched.

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这个不幸的男人丢了所有的钱。The wretched man have lose all his money.

她向我们哀叹自己悲惨的遭遇。She lamented to us about her wretched lot.

从前,这个可怜的女孩总是很唠叨。The wretched girl was always a chatterbox.

他们在贫民窟过著不知道怎麽讲才好的生活。They led a wretched existence in the slums.

可悲的王国在我的狂撸中崩溃。Its wretched kingdoms quake beneath my rage.

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没有比盗窃更十恶不赦的事情了。There is no act more wretched than stealing.

我对这一切肮脏的关系觉得发腻。I'm tired of the whole wretched relationship.

去丢时光的脸,并把分秒扼杀。May time disgrace, and wretched minutes kill.

因天气不好,飞机误点了。The plane has beendelayed by wretched weather.

我们躲藏于其中的恐惧,一如这令人沮丧的岩穴。Fears we've hidden in, like this wretched cave.

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他们住在济贫院里,过的生活真悲惨!What a wretched life they lived in the workhouse!

也和冷冽洞窟一般,深藏于内心的恐惧一起死去。Fears we have hidden in. Like this wretched caves.

恐惧被我们隐藏,正如现在我躲在洞中一般。Fears we have hidden in ---- like this wretched cave.