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红色和绿色是互补色。And green are complementary colors.

我想他们是非常互补的。I think they are very complementary.

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第三部分是余论。The Third is the complementary part.

想要和喜欢是互补的。Wanting and liking are complementary.

互补色加浓了彼此的色彩。Complementary colours exalt each other.

红色和绿色是互补色。Red and green are complementary colors.

是英文字义“除去补色”的简称。Short for Complementary Colour Removal.

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这两种方法是互为补充的。These two approaches are complementary.

这两种拓扑是互补的。These two topologies are complementary.

他的个性与她的相反相成。His personality is complementary to hers.

互补色是真的不好的文本。Complementary colors are really bad for text.

它们彼此独立,但又彼此互补They are independent yet they are complementary.

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什么是替代和补充疗法?What are alternative and complementary medicines?

但“共生体”中的这两半却能互相补充。But the two halves of Chimerica are complementary.

我需要什么补充性训练?What complementary exercises do I need to include?

CTVL是纤维喉镜的很好补充手段。CTVL is a good complementary method of laryngoscopy.

你可以看看其他的怎么加辅食的回答。You can see how other Canadian complementary answer.

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你的孩子六个月了,也可以多添加辅食。Your child for six months, it can add complementary.

很多人与类风湿性关节炎尝试或使用辅助疗法。Many people with RA try or use complementary therapies.

这个双链互补配对的概念非常重要This notion of complementary strands is very important.