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飞艇在海面打圈子。The airship circled at sea.

你能把这种飞艇设计成流线型吗?Can you streamline this kind of airship?

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飞艇的骑兵已经更新到1.62版本。Airship Dragoon has been updated to version 1.62.

飞船的框架是用轻而坚固的金属制成的。The frame of an airship is made of light but strong metal.

本代尔动力飞艇不再由民航局注册。The Dair-powered Airship is no longer registered by the CAA.

美军飞艇罗马号是一艘半硬式飞艇,建于意大利。The Army airship Roma was built in Italy and was a "semi-rigid" design.

本文以两种工作状态下的受载软式飞艇囊体为工程背景。The paper"s engineering background was Non-rigid airship gasbag in two operating modes."

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基洛夫空艇在拥有其基地摧毁炸弹的同时会有第二个武器吗?Will the Kirov airship have a secondary weapon together with its base-breaking gigabomb?

飞艇风险投资公司希望能够把该飞艇为70年来第一次美国的天空。Airship Ventures wants to bring zeppelins to America's skies for the first time in 70 years.

平流层飞艇在靠浮力升空的过程中,需要对其进行姿态稳定控制。During blastoff of the stratospheric airship by buoyancy, stable attitude control is needed.

经仔细研究过照片,专家说这个UFO很可能是“人造物”,像个飞船。Studying his picture carefully, experts said the UFO was probably a "man-made object" like an airship.

本文介绍了一种基于人工操纵策略的无人飞艇航向控制器用于其航迹跟踪控制。A yawing controller based on human operator's skill is presented for robotic airship mission path tracking.

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生产的AX三栖飞船、AX飞翼等系列产品品质优异,飞行操控灵活、可靠。AX-flying wing and AX-three stay airship which with excellent quality and are used for aerobatic performance.

经过约40分钟的重力再适应,三位航天员自主走出飞船。Adapts again after the approximately 40 minutes gravities , three astronauts go out the airship independently.

在任务总指挥部决定加注火箭推进剂后,择机实施飞船发射。After duty general headquarters decision replenishment stoff , selects machine the implementation airship launch.

地面保障措施对无人驾驶飞艇的飞行安全、运行效率起着重要的作用。The on-land guarantee of the unmanned airship is quite critical to its aeronautic safety and aviation efficiency.

他们是带着棺材对飞艇的一般,看起来像一个黑色茧但最终是色拉寺。They're carrying a casket towards the airship with the general, looks like a black cocoon but at the end is Sera.

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洛杉矶号,由德国的齐柏林制。造,是美国最成功的,使用时间最长的硬式飞艇。The Los Angeles was America's most successful and longest lived rigid airship. Built in Germany by Zeppelin, the L.

航天员景海鹏在返回舱值守,并随时监控飞船运行工况。Astronaut Jing Haipeng defends in the returns cabin value, and momentarily monitors the airship operating condition.

无人飞艇作为一种重新兴起的无人飞行器,是对现有无人机和侦查卫星的一个重要补充。As a renewed unmanned aircraft, unmanned airship is one of the most important supplement to unmanned airplane and satellite.