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年轻的渔夫颤抖着。The young Fisherman trembled.

渔民把网收进来了。The fisherman drew in the net.

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然年轻的渔夫却笑了。But the young Fisherman laughed.

渔夫由于恐惧而颤抖着。The fisherman shivered from fear.

渔民修补微微发光的鱼网。A Fisherman mends a glimmering net.

希望你的渔人父亲可以捕获。May your fisherman father catch it.

渔夫收了网,打上许多鱼来。The fisherman drew in a lot of fish.

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小妖精猛扑向渔夫。The goblin pounced on the fisherman.

这辆公车有没有到渔人码头?。Does this bus go to Fisherman 's Wharf?

那个渔夫把钓线投进海中。The fisherman cast his line into the sea.

附近村庄里的一位垂钓者。A fisherman from the neighbouring village.

渔夫的呈现对鱼又意味着什么?How does the fisherman appear to the fish?

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渔人码头海鲜风味街。Fisherman Wharf and Seafood Cuisine Street.

有一次他看见一个渔翁拿着一只篮子。Once he saw an old fisherman with a basket.

渔夫取出来的却是一个铜罐。Instead, the fisherman drew out a copper jar.

早晨天发红,海上警渔翁。The morning sky is red, sea police fisherman.

巴伯里用口哨吹一支罗士兰渔民歌曲。Barbary whistled a Ronssllon fisherman 's song.

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听听中考英语作文网海边曾经住着一位老渔夫。Once there lived an old fisherman near the sea.

孩子喜欢并且可怜这个老渔人。The boy loved the old fisherman and pitied him.

这个渔夫打捞上来一条珍稀的人鱼。The fisherman found a rare dugong in the water.