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你这么奇怪地看着我。You looked at me so oddly.

玛丽怪模怪样地看着汤姆。Mary looked at Tom very oddly.

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一名天真的孩子在一个客栈蹊跷地死了。An innocent child died oddly in an inn.

说来也奇怪,它的名字不太好。And, oddly enough, it was given a bad name.

奇怪地打开,却是立时怔住。Oddly open, but is sign stunned speechless.

又是另一个奇怪的令人满足的暴力时刻。Another oddly gratifying moment of violence.

他是个怪人,行动老是古古怪怪的。He is an eccentric and always behaves oddly.

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很奇怪,你听起来好像不太信任教授。You sound oddly distrusting of your professor.

土卫一上这个巨型环形山为什么有这么古怪的颜色?Why is this giant crater on Mimas oddly colored?

我无法理解他为什么一直行为乖僻。I can't figure out why he's been behaving so oddly.

他唤她的声音现在来自一个奇怪的遥远的地方。His voice called to her from an oddly distant place now.

他的印度长袍与他流利的英语形成奇特的对照。His Indian robes contrasted oddly with his fluent English.

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奇怪的是,这家人宁可住在客房里。Oddly enough the family preferred to live in the guestroom.

安德森注视着那个人留下的形状奇特的物体。Anderson eyed the oddly shaped object the man had left behind.

五十年前,埃及看起来和另一个国家非常相像。FIFTY years ago Egypt looked oddly similar to another country.

奇怪的是,总统在唱歌到他身上,这是他离开了。Oddly enough, the president was singing to himself as he left.

这个词使用不当,因而同它上面的标题很不协调。The word is misused and sorts oddly with the heading above it.

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喝彩声逐渐平静下来后,马戏篷里安静得出奇。Now that the cheers had died away, the circus tent seemed oddly quiet.

当白瑞德拒绝了她,这一幕却奇怪的成为了全剧最浪漫的一幕。When Rhett rejects her, it's oddly the most romantic scene in the film.

莎拉再一次情绪不稳,进洗手间休息了一下,然后与迈克尔汇合。Sara takes another oddly emotional bathroom break, then rejoins Michael.