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不要动长颈瓶。Do not move the flask.

你把A放到长颈瓶里。You put your A in your flask.

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把混合物倒入长颈瓶。Pour the mixture into the flask.

他从帆布包里拿出一个金属瓶子。He took out a metal flask from a canvas bag.

你还需要一个平底锅,一只调羹和长颈瓶。You also need a saucepan, a spoon and a flask.

一个气球神秘地被吸进了一个细颈瓶。A balloon is mysteriously "sucked" into a flask.

这只烧杯的底部有些沉淀物。There is some deposit in the bottom of the flask.

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水壶携带饮用水的小壶。A flask for carrying drinking water, as on a hike.

性孢子器近圆瓶状,几乎全部突出寄主组织。Pycnia were flask shaped, entirely on host tissue.

芳香剂瓶设有喷头。The sprinkler is provided with the aromatic flask.

用刀刮去铸模杯顶部多余的铸粉。Carefully scrape excess investment from top of flask.

圆底烧瓶用于许多化学反应。A round-bottomed flask is used for a lot of reactions.

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在它的下方放置一个锥形瓶。Below it a container like an Erlenmeyer flask is placed.

这是最好的方法来记录用户操作在烧瓶的观点吗?。Which is the best way to log user actions in flask views?

光洁砂箱壁对减弱拱效应现象有利。A clean flask wall will help to reduce the "arch effects."

六个小时后,打开长颈瓶。Open the flask after six hours. The mixture is now yoghurt.

医生喝了一口,把酒瓶递回律师。The doctor accepted and handed the flask back to the lawyer.

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烧瓶送来时装在礼品盒里,同时还带了个漏斗,方便使用。The flask comes gift boxed and with a funnel for ease of use.

充电加热保温瓶,瓶套,包和饭盒。Charging heating thermo-flask, flask cover, bag and lunch box.

在搅拌下慢慢滴加乙酐的苯溶液。The mixture is added by dropwise into the flask while stirring.