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我认为库兹尼佐娃打了场很好的比赛。I think Svetlana played a good match.

还记得我们叫作大草原和斯维特拉娜?。Remember when we were Savannah and Svetlana?

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俄罗斯呢?我非常喜欢霍尔金娜。What about Russia? I like Svetlana Khorkina very much.

是的,就是库兹涅佐娃,我从她的脸上看到了。Yup. It's Svetlana Kuznetsova, " he said. "I've seen it in her face. "

已经赢得在迪拜击败了伊万诺维奇在资历架构及库兹涅佐娃在最后。Svetlana Kuznetsova may be the most surprising women's winner in the Open era.

一只鸽子飞过法院作为玛丽亚基里连科次库兹涅佐娃5月28日。A pigeon flies over the court as Maria Kirilenko plays Svetlana Kuznetsova May 28.

我记得一个高大的‘斯维特拉娜’球队后卫和我交手,我们一直都在争吵。I remember a huge FC "Svetlana" defender who was playing against me, we were always squabbling.

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库兹涅佐娃仅两局就轻松击败同样来自俄国的萨芬娜,获得法网冠军。Svetlana Kuznetsova defeated fellow countrywoman Dinara Safina in straight sets to win the French Open.

奥尔洛娃副主席出席第十一届全球女企业家会议开幕式并讲话。Svetlana Orlova presents during the 11th Global Conference of Women Entrepreneurs. She also spoke during that event.

根据吉尼斯世界纪录,俄罗斯姑娘斯维特兰娜·帕克拉托娃拥有比世界上任何女人都长的腿。Russian woman Svetlana Pankratova has, according to Guinness World Records, the longest legs of any woman in the world.

在奥运会女子撑竿跳高比赛中,伊辛巴耶娃击败了同胞费奥法诺瓦,夺得了冠军,并且在比赛中创造了新的世界记录。Yelena Isinbayeva saw off fellow Russian Svetlana Feofanova to claim Olympic pole-vault gold with a world record in Athens.

在他心里,他已经开始如何告诉他亲爱的斯维特拉娜这令人难以置信的幸运。And in his mind he began composing the words he would use to tell his beloved Svetlana about their unbelievable good fortune.

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尽管斯维特拉娜梅利尼科娃问题的措施的实际考虑,她说,不会侵犯任何人的合法权益。While Svetlana Melnikova questions the practical considerations of the measure, she says it would not infringe on anybody's legal rights.

在荷兰第61届国际花卉展上,一种郁金香新品种以俄罗斯第一夫人名字命名,被称为"斯韦特兰娜·梅德韦杰夫"。A new species of tulip was named Svetlana after the spouse of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the Keukenhof 2010 of Netherlands, its 61st season.

俄罗斯队派出他们的大明星斯韦特兰娜·霍尔金娜打头阵,她以39.005的最高分数压倒了所有36位获得星期四个人全能决赛资格的运动员。Russia's team effort was led by their superstar Svetlana Khorkina, who scored 39,005 points to lead 36 all-around qualifiers for Thursday's individual final.

当天晚上,顾秀莲和俄罗斯合作伙伴奥尔洛娃观看了作为文化周的一部分—来自中俄特色家庭的歌舞表演。In the evening, Gu and her Russian counterpart Svetlana Orlova watched a dancing-and-singing show by typical families from both China and Russia as part of the cultural week.

虽然斯维特拉娜霍尔金娜是一位曾经获得七枚奥运金牌的俄罗斯体操名将,但很少有人知道帮她走出运动生涯低谷的正是大运的舞台。ALTHOUGH Svetlana Khorkina is a world-famous Russian gymnast and seven-time Olympic medalist, not many people know that it was the Universiade that helped her reemerge from the doldrums.